4 housemates
lets just name them: a,b,c, and d
mr.a is away in toronto this weekend
mr.b is hardly home, sleeps really late
mr.c is a royal jerk most of the time, but he's cool
but i'm here to talk about mr.d
mr.d likes to ... well hug ppl...hahaha or ME....KINDA WRONG
so adr..i mean mr.d if u hug me one more time i swear i will...well
i dont know i havent figured that out yet hahahaha
oh...this is a random blog, but mr.d wanted me to blog about him
so i did
Summary only...
Love is indestructible
So take a hold
Sometimes hard to find
A reason good enough
I'll stand beside you
Never leave through it all
And faith will bring a way
To the impossible
Just one more day
One more day
Oh, let the world crash
Love can take it
Oh, let the world come crashing down
Oh, let the world crash
Love can take it
Love can take a little
Love can give a little more
Skillet - A Little More
Summary only...
our form of "punishment" in this apartment is ... nutball
if you do not do your dishes within two hours, and you do this two times, you get "nutballed"
what is nutball you may ask
the person being nutball has to stand at the end of the hallway, blindfolded
all the other members of the house throw a volleyball at ... well their nuts
!!!! it works! we've been doing our dishes! now maybe we should implement it with other chores...but we've been able to keep this apartment clean for FIVE guys!!!
Summary only...