Monday, December 18, 2006

See You When I See You  

Life tends to hold its foot down on the acceleration pedal, and its left my head spinning. Literally. And in the spirit of Christmas, not that this actually has anything to do with the spirit of Christmas, nor do I feel the yuletide joy that is supposed to be predominant during this season, I think it's time for me to kick it into neutral, hopefully slowing down enough to enjoy the last few weeks of 2006.

This means I won't be posting here for a while. I'll be too busy touring the world. Haven't you heard? I've been named PERSON OF THE YEAR by a respected publication!

All I have to say is, it's about time.

And this magical thing I call "Christmas"? I'll let the following Venn diagram explain and take me out, being so blatantly opposed to my actual views, that it caused me to chuckle:


posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:42 PM .

Saturday, December 16, 2006

It Runs In The Family  

I haven't finished debating the ethics on posting this up, but I'm going to go ahead and do it anyways, and I'll hide it under the guise of the "Read More" option. This is proof that cheesy humor and dumb puns run deep in my family blood. This is in reference to the make-a-list for parental Secret Santa post a few back. Here's what my brother wants, along with my comments in italics:

"1. I would like a dog tag with a beady chain that would reach past my neck (not too short) with my name carved in braille. Yes that's right, braille, alphabet found here. If the place doesn't do braille...then I guess my name in English would be okay. But if you get it in braille, I'll love you forever.

*My brother is not blind, nor do I think he could distinguish braille from grains of salt. But like Fergie Ferg, he'll love you long time.*

2. Gift certificate/card for HMV or Future Shop so that I don't have to pay the full 57.99 for that TV series I really want..that I'm "desperate" for. hahahaha lol

*GET IT?! DESPERATE Housewives? Genius. Except for the "hahahhaha" followed by the "lol" which is redundant.*

3. If 1 and 2 cannot be done, then use your imagination, although there's seriously nothing wrong with 2. I would ask for the TV series, but it's 57.99, so 2 is very practical and nice =)

*If you're having problems with number 1 and number 2, you probably should drink more water and eat more vegetables hahahaha lol.*


His favorite alias references "crap", my favorite person references "butt". The parallels are undeniable.


Posted in posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:48 PM .

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bloggers Outlook On Life  

*Administrative Note* - I wrote this post about two YEARS ago. It was for a side project that never really got off the ground. We were young and brimming with ideas. Just wanted to let you know, in case some of the, uh, no, in case anything mentioned seems obsolete, even though I attempted to modernize the post with small touch-ups here and there.

You come home tired from work/school, fire up your desktop/laptop like you'd fire up a barbecue, hop over to your Blogger/Xanga account in a fashion that would make a little bunny rabbit proud, and prepare to completely rip into the "idiot who pissed you off today". And a lot of the times, the star of the post is a random stranger whose presence will never grace yours again. And that makes you feel better about the verbal hatred on the verge of being keyed out.

But allow me to make you squirm in your seat. What if today, YOU were that random human being who pissed someone else off? Go ahead, reminisce about all the not-so-considerate doings you pulled off today. I'll wait.

(humming the tune of Surfin' USA)

Congratulations, you're a certified jerk. Go on, give yourself a pat on the back. You know, one of those comforting, "thats okay" pats. Or if you're proud, go on and pat yourself on the back as well, and keep grinning like an idiot.

I'm not here to judge, because we're all guilty of selfish acts, such as not holding the door open for the old lady ten feet behind you, with ten dozen grocery bags hanging off her right arm, using her left hand to clutch her cane, and trying desperately to catch up to you because she knows there is no way she's getting through that door without your help. Not that I'm speaking from personal experience.

See the reality is that someone you've never met is most probably blogging about you. What comes around, goes around. Circle theory (please don't cite me yet, it hasn't been patented). Doesn't it make you slightly self-conscious? Are you running to get a towel as you sweat profusely from every part of your body, or is that just me?

I'd wager that most people don't think twice about being the subject of a blog rant. Which is odd because in an image-driven society, it should follow that people would be very concerned with their appearance.

Like looking fly at the local grocery store, because you could bump into some people you know while you're examining prospective produce. And you don't want to be the guy who was out grocery shopping by themselves.

By the way, what is wrong with going grocery shopping by yourself? And for that matter, what is wrong with going to watch a movie by yourself? Or enjoying fine dining for one? Or going outside to walk the town with only your own delightful company? (yes, my own company IS delightful thank you very much) Going on a vacation in Hans Solo fashion? Was this whole post defensively written to justify things I do/want to do? Was it? And more importantly did it work?

My own self consciousness led me to buy a magazine that promised a way to "Look 10 Years Younger -- No Surgery,", 'cause I TOTALLY wanna look like an eleven year old.


Posted in posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:42 PM .

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I'm Not Giving the 'Read More' Option On This  

*Administrative Note* - I wrote this post about a week ago. Just wanted to let you know, in case some of the technologies mentioned seem obsolete.

def. Ballin' [Adj].
1. Living in affluence/wealth.
2. *insert jump shot motion*

Is it possible to justify purchasing a Nintendo Wii just to play Zelda? Two player games are no fun now that my brother is away, living the life (or is it MY life) up in Queen's (BROOKLYNNN ... not).

Speaking of spending money on presents, the families my parents roll with decided that this year, the long held tradition of each kid getting presents from every other family will instead be replaced by a festivity commonly known as "Secret Santa".

I say "commonly known as" because I am convinced the creator of Secret Santa probably called it "Operation Save Your Money". Allow me to prove this mathematically. I have purposely denoted the mathematical section of this post for those that want to skip over it for whatever reason (if you already see the concept, or if you are unable to grasp the merging of alphabets (not the cereal, but still delicious) with numbers in what I affectionately call algebra).

---------------------- Math Commencing ----------------------

Secret Santa requires that a minimum of three people play, or else there would be no "secret". Therefore, the amount of people, henceforth denoted as n+1, with the +1 representing yourself (because you count as a real person too, touching isn't it?), is required to be greater than or equal to 3.

1. Without SS (Secret Santa, not Stupefying Stupidity), you should be responsible for buying n presents, unless you plan on being the jerk who gave the shaft to someone, which I can thankfully discount in this magical environment I created to make my equations work. Mathematics, McOysty style. Ignorantly educating childrens all around the universe since 1837.

Not wanting to be known as the cheap-scape who only spent 2 dollars on each gift, you spend an average of $20 per gift.

In total, you pay $20n.

2. With SS, you would buy ONE present, with a general cap of $30 (manipulating my environment to suit my equations (and real life in this case) is fun), thus ensuring you spend AT MOST, thirty dollars.

Given n >= 3, $20n > $30.

Q. to the ED.

---------------------- Math Over ----------------------

Then, to ensure that us kids come away happy with one present, as opposed to other years where we expected and received a set amount of presents (number of families present minus our own), the childrens, myself included, are to draft up a top five under $30 (not to be mistaken with People's Top 25 under 25) list for their Secret Santa's to buy from.

Now to bring this full circle, because I'm oddly in the spirit of giving a well-rounded post that connects the beginning with the end.

Number one on my list, which I fully expect to be completely ignored by my Secret Santa, is, "Nintendo Wii - I will cover the difference, good luck".

I rethought my list and concluded that a parent might take my demand for a Nintendo Wii the wrong way (I don't think they'd understand the joke). I quickly replaced that with a book (classy).


Posted in posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:48 PM .

Monday, December 11, 2006

He Could Be "The Answer" To Our Problems  

Can you say season tickets? Just think about it...


Posted in posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:22 PM .

Friday, December 08, 2006

Record Labels, Get Back On Your Game  

It wasn't logical to market the return of Jay-Z as the "Saviour of Hip Hop" with his album "Kingdom Come", only to come out the month after with Nas' "Hip Hop Is Dead". Sure the titles provide nice contrast, with with a certain Biblical flavor (FLAV). Although that's always been evident in their career's (God emcee, J-Hova (Jehova), God's son etc), and probably blasphemous considering the people we're talking about.

I'm not going to bother writing up reviews for these two albums because the way I see it, both these dudes are returning to the game just like one of us would return to, say, Zelda, after you've beaten it once over, just to finish off all the little side quests, go for a victory lap on your little horse, and shoot some arrows. Rack up some extra points, if you will.

While there's plenty of hate flying at both Nas and Jay this Christmas (ironic because tis season for love, hugging babies, and baby Jesus), I, for one, will have both these albums on replay going straight through to the new year.



Posted in posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:59 PM .

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cue The Trumpets  

65 years ago, early in the morning, the infamous bombing of Pearl Harbor roused America to decisive action in World War II.

Today, 65 years later, during what was declared to be the last gathering of Pearl Harbor survivors due to old age and dwindling numbers, some veterans still, and understandably so, harbored some anger towards the Japanese.

Of course I believe holding ill will towards anyone will damage yourself more than it will anyone else, even to the person the feelings are directed towards. But I don't expect these men to change. I cannot even begin to image the horrors they awoke to that Sunday morning, and have been forever ingrained in their memories, some 65 years ago.

My only hope for them is that they are able to get past the resentments and bad memories one time to try out this amazing delicacy turned common food known to me as ...


Preferably of the all-you-can-eat (the Canadian!) style. If not, they'd be sorely missing out.

Don't you hate it when I spoil promising posts?

While we're on the subject of war, luckily, I can label this blunder hilarious (thankfully). NEW JERSEY! You'd think they'd be over in Iraq, but apparently some schoolchildren just needed to learn a lesson.


Posted in posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:55 PM .

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I Know Me  

"No matter where you go you are what you are, player."

Truer words have been spoken, but none as strikingly relevant. While it may be easy to alter personas to blend in with different groups of people (we've all done this to some extent), when faced with adversity, it is widely known that people's true colors tend to shine through. The person underneath those clothes (no Shakira).

The inner you.

Today, the inner me stood up to attention, as I proudly, and unforcedly, wrote and passed an exam that was not required for anything. A free will examination.

You see, you can take the student away from the school and plop him down in front of a computer monitor to make the company some money, heck you can even take his freedom away from 9am-6pm (would it have been too easy to include something to the effect of "taking my breath away" here?), but my DNA dictates that I am Asian, and you will never be able to take the student mentality (ie. the desire to GET MARKS) away from me.

I do realize that the majority of my friends are currently facing the daunting task of writing three exams in the next two days, or something ridiculous to that effect, and the fact that I'm posting about ONE optional exam that I educatedly guessed my way through may infuriate them.

But honestly now, you really should be reading the textbooks instead of the Internets. As the Beach Boys once happily sang, be true to your school (rah Rah RAH!)

Good night, and good luck.


Posted in posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:27 PM .

Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday Means Me Mumbling Mindlessly  

Talk about total non-creativity, but it just dawned on me that the NFL team based in Cleveland is named the "Browns". And I think the only way they should be allowed to continue on with that name is if they embrace it full heartedly. Which, in my books, means that their equally uninspired logo of a football helmet...

... needs to be changed from orange (?) to brown, and their jerseys also need to be painted a deep color of brown. Of course, then the ever so popular adage of "what you see is what you get" will apply, as the Cleveland Browns will look, and play, like turds.

Speaking of, did the memo informing me that Kevin Federline was to be on NBC's game show 1 vs 100 last Friday get lost? I guess my imagination will suffice:

Bob Saget (the host) - Hey everybody, welcome again to one, versus, one HUNDRED! Behind me is the mob who is here to beat the player and win their money!

*general hootin' and hollerin' from the mob*

Saget - Let's meet the player! All the way from Canada, we have the awkward, the aawesome, Buttug McOysty.

Me - H..h...hi.

Saget - And tonight, in the mob, we have Kevin Federline! As a favor, we let him on this show, but in return, he has promised this will be his last publicity stunt ever and will fade into obscurity after tonight, and I'm sure he will be eliminated quite rapidly.

*applause from the audience*

K-Fed - Glad to be here. *munch munch munch*

Saget - Where did you get the pancakes?

K-Fed-Ex - Haven't you heard? I'm the pancake man! Pancakes for breakfast, pancakes for lunch, pancakes everyday! Even on December.

Saget - "December" is not a day of the week.

K-Fed - Oh! My bad dawg, I knew that, fo shizzle.

Saget - Spectacular. Let's play this game shall we?. McOysty, are you ready?

Me - Y..y...

Saget - Mob, are you ready?

*general hootin' and hollerin' from the mob*

Saget - Alright! It's one, versus, one HUNDRED! First question! What is the first letter of the alphabet?! Press, A for 'A', B for 'B', and C for 'C'.

McOysty - I'm going to say 'A', Bob.

Saget - Let's take a look at that answer...YES! YOU GOT IT RIGHT! AMAZING! Let's find out how many got it wrong for $1000.

Feder-loser - I think it's just me Bob!

Saget - What did you answer Kevin?

Kevin - Well, I really wanted to push 'C' but then I remembered that I actually didn't know which of these letters in front of me was 'C'! So then I wrote down on this piece of paper here, "Thre", and hopefully you'll accept that answer!

Saget - It's spelled "three", and can we please cut to commercials? I'm going to need some time to comprehend this stupidity.

Me - This, Stupefying Stupidity? Ha-ha.


Posted in posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:27 PM .

Friday, December 01, 2006


I don't have the stomach to write a full post tonight, but I'll let this guy cap an end to this week. Take us out good sir:


Posted in , posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:27 PM .