Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pirates of the Caribou  

That title has nothing to do with the price of McDonalds in Mombasa.

Who knew that in the year 2009, the fight against piracy would be a fight against old-school piracy?

Moreover, does this mean I have to learn Somali to participate in this year's Talk Like A Pirate Day?

Lastly, how cool would a Pirate-themed reality show be? Hey, don't judge so quick. Let the idea simmer for a while..

..I know, right?!!


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:03 PM .

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Easter Egg Shells  

Yesterday, my company hosted an Easter egg hunt at the office. While I'd like to think that I'm progressing in life, at least in terms of age, my inner-child keeps attempting a massive comeback, complete with a reunion special with celebrity guest hosts and other obligatory fanfare.

Today during lunch, one of my co-workers left a hardboiled egg unattended while microwaving the rest of her lunch. I found a highlighter and proceeded to turn the hardboiled egg into the best Easter egg my creativity could muster (I, I mean, my inner-child, coated half of it yellow, and I declared it a creative victory).

After half an hour of pointing fingers, confusion, fake-anger and other office hilarities that accompany a practical joke, it was time to move on, finish up lunch and get back to work (no pun intended..!).

Not so fast.

The highlighter seeped through the shell and transformed the egg into a nuclear-looking nugget. I inner-kid you not. Practical joke gone bad. Literally. Egg on my face. Non-literally.

I made up for it. I convinced the nice mom and pop shop next door to boil an egg for me. It cost me a buck. To this hour, I still think it was worth it.

Anyways, none of the above has anything to do with what I wanted to say.

I'm debating whether or not I should go get an MRI. I think it's really important to see if I have...


Brutal huh? I'm leaving now.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:40 PM .