Monday, January 05, 2004


Due to popular request (ok nobody really asked) i will list my skedual:

Monday: Computers, Algebra, Chem
Tuesday: Calculus, Bio, Computers 3 hour bio lab
Wednesday: Algebra, Chem, Calculus
Thursday: Bio, Computers, Algebra
Friday: Chem, Caclulus, Bio 3 hour chem lab/tutorial

HAPPY JERFEY!? heheheh jerfey.....thats a new one....!
its the same courses as last term actually...just a newer and improved skedual thats all....well one added lab...but i'll deal with it...after i learn HOW TO DEAL....maybe i'll TRY SEVENTEEN different ways....ok that just doesnt make sense ne mind must be wanderin around CHASING LIBERTY....?! It's prolly taking a WALK TO REMEMBER and needs to be SAVED... maybe someone's FIRST DAUGHTER will have a lil faith in it....myabe....hahahah ok enuf enuf that was so random

posted by Buttug McOysty . 6:45 PM .