Sunday, May 02, 2004

10 bucks only SEMI-wasted  

so last nite was the "change your world" conference held at queensway, with chris tomlin leading worship and louis giglio speaking

for those of you that don't know, i'm a HUGE louis fan (yes, a big chris fan too sorta) and i listen to his sermons online every week (except for this one....maybe i'll check it out later today)

so i went in last nite really anticipating something...only to realize that the message he was speaking, i had ALREADY HEARD he re-used his old message.... at first i was like, this sucks..i paid 10 bucks... but i guess i still needed to hear the message as it may have already slipped my mind... and i think i'm the type of person that needs to be pushed along MANY MANY times ... so it turned out all gravY

oh yes, chris tomlin rocked it up good last nite, i expected nothing less there...and i was able to immerse myself in the worship and not just be wowed by their skills.... they knew when to hold back, and when to let it all out...thats very good! maybe i will take that into consideration, as i'm techincally skedualed to do sunday worship 3 times this month.... thats... a LoT .. ! oh well fun times!

and of course
hurray for the avs (aka the triangles) ... way to bring my hopes back up! maybe they can be the 3rd team EVER to come back from a 3-0 series deficit!

lets just say i'm a very, very happy person rite now


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:36 PM .