Thursday, May 13, 2004
slow day
its been a relatively slow day...semes liek its never gonna end... this whole data entry stuff can go horribly wrong when the data to be entered is not available...!!! i KNOW that they hafta have certain drugs locked up so that I dont .. uh.. hahaa smuggle them out! but for gosh sakes give me access to the database already with the i dont hafta go running to my supervisor everytime! i think she's equally as annoyed as i am!
meh... burning through tons of cds a day as i'm just basically either sitting here...or running downstairs to count bottles, or label bottles
yes this seems like the summer for me... lookin forward to sunday! the official tsunami kickoff day! i just wanna PLAY (catcher yea!)
sorry for the lack of blogging.... dwindling ratings with the lack of income to support this operation has slowly grinded this blog to a halt, not to mention my nights always seem to be filled with fun events... but the influx of my first pay cheque today is certainly blog-worthy...i think i made almost the same amount of money in two weeks than i did for 6 months with laura secord....SO SAD, but SO GOOD at the same time. finally i can spend money i actually have!