Tuesday, January 25, 2005

just in case any of you guys were wondering what some of my friends look like up here, this may or may not give you an idea:

copy and paste this link into your browser


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:16 AM .


remember the game things? well probably not if u've never played it i guess

for that game, a statement is read, such as "things you get in the mail"
and then the players go around writing one item down on a piece of paper that satisfies that statement
i wont explain the rest of the game, as it is does not really apply to this post

but if you were to write down "things that run out really quickly in a house of 5 guys"
what would you write?

toilet paper? sure..thats pretty accurate, we do seem to run out of that a lot
patience with each other? hahahaha not really, we've been good with that...and get along quite well...can't necessarily say that about all houses of five guys, but at least mines rox :)
bad jokes? cant run out of them in a house i live in..haha oh boi
sandwich bags? for a house that does not eat sandwiches, we seem to use a lot of sandwich bags
tin foil? again for a house that doesnt bake unecessarily, we run out of that a lot too
room in the garbage bag? i can say we easily go through one full garbage bag a day...thats a LOT of garbage when i think about it...!!

hmm thats a pretty ... odd list... i guess...!


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:06 AM .

Saturday, January 22, 2005


this term, of the three computer courses i have, only one has appealed to me so far, that being the logic course i am taking.

and on friday, the prof left us with something to think about...
there are many systems of logic...and there are rules to go along with each one
one of the generally accepted rules is this:
if something is true, then it is not false
if something is not true, then it is false

that makes sense doesnt it

but just like anything in this world, there are exceptions

for example, decide for yourself whether the following statement is true or false:

"This statement is false."

it defies our rules of logic! it is NEITHER true or false! What do we do!? should we run like chicken little cuz the sky will fall?!!


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:35 AM .

Monday, January 17, 2005

many names  

I have now learned to respond to many different names. You may go "yeah, we've called u that for a long time now..duh..." but some other ones, are quite new

here's a quick list:

a-*** (pronounced like the a is an actual a)
eh-*** (pronounced "eh"...not the way canadians say eh.. so it doesnt sound too much like a-***)
will (GO FIGURE...somebody thinks i look like another guy named will)
a**** (...self explanatory)

somebody else with many names...Jesus. and deserving of everyone of them, whereas i should probably just be called crapbag or sth to that extent... (and not in the funny context that friends used that name in)...! i dont know where i'm going with this post..but yeah...Saviour...thats ... quite a word...lets not take it too lightly :)

that was an attempt at a deeper post...im not reallly good at this....darn u alex lee and other ppl that are gifted at writting friggin essays just to post their thoughts..>!!!


posted by Buttug McOysty . 6:47 PM .

Friday, January 07, 2005

i'm so slow  

lets do my new years resolutions now....

1. i will not rub it in most people's faces that i still havent started school yet
didnt keep this one very well ha
2. i will read this book that has been suggested to me. quite possibly the first fiction literature i've read in ... wow a long time i think .... tuesdays with Morrie if anyone was wonderin
3. i will wake up for all of my tuesday morning 8am chem labs this year...and for that matter, all my other 8:30am classes....and for that matter, i'll just go to all my classes....specially physiology
4. i will get a summer job, at first i thought novopharm was a sure bet, but my boss was promoted and is at a different site, so i dont know if they'll hire me again (cross fingers)
5. i will post more on this blog, and maybe more meaningful posts (like this one)...and not crack stupid jokes
6. i will disregard number 5 and continue to post stupid jokes on this blog, and continue to laugh at my own jokes and think they're really funny
why did the computer programmer die in the shower?
cuz the shampoo bottle directions stated "lather...rinse...repeat!"
HAHA oh man i hope that doesnt happen to me

7. i will continue to cook my own meals and not give in to tempting fast foods
8. i will play less mario kart :) and possibly sleep earlier in order to fulfill #3

hmm thats all for now....i need to go to ikea to buy furniture now :) BYE TORONTO!


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:15 PM .