Tuesday, January 25, 2005
remember the game things? well probably not if u've never played it i guess
for that game, a statement is read, such as "things you get in the mail"
and then the players go around writing one item down on a piece of paper that satisfies that statement
i wont explain the rest of the game, as it is does not really apply to this post
but if you were to write down "things that run out really quickly in a house of 5 guys"
what would you write?
toilet paper? sure..thats pretty accurate, we do seem to run out of that a lot
patience with each other? hahahaha not really, we've been good with that...and get along quite well...can't necessarily say that about all houses of five guys, but at least mines rox :)
bad jokes? cant run out of them in a house i live in..haha oh boi
sandwich bags? for a house that does not eat sandwiches, we seem to use a lot of sandwich bags
tin foil? again for a house that doesnt bake unecessarily, we run out of that a lot too
room in the garbage bag? i can say we easily go through one full garbage bag a day...thats a LOT of garbage when i think about it...!!
hmm thats a pretty ... odd list... i guess...!