Friday, January 07, 2005
i'm so slow
lets do my new years resolutions now....
1. i will not rub it in most people's faces that i still havent started school yet
didnt keep this one very well ha
2. i will read this book that has been suggested to me. quite possibly the first fiction literature i've read in ... wow a long time i think .... tuesdays with Morrie if anyone was wonderin
3. i will wake up for all of my tuesday morning 8am chem labs this year...and for that matter, all my other 8:30am classes....and for that matter, i'll just go to all my classes....specially physiology
4. i will get a summer job, at first i thought novopharm was a sure bet, but my boss was promoted and is at a different site, so i dont know if they'll hire me again (cross fingers)
5. i will post more on this blog, and maybe more meaningful posts (like this one)...and not crack stupid jokes
6. i will disregard number 5 and continue to post stupid jokes on this blog, and continue to laugh at my own jokes and think they're really funny
why did the computer programmer die in the shower?
cuz the shampoo bottle directions stated "lather...rinse...repeat!"
HAHA oh man i hope that doesnt happen to me
7. i will continue to cook my own meals and not give in to tempting fast foods
8. i will play less mario kart :) and possibly sleep earlier in order to fulfill #3
hmm thats all for now....i need to go to ikea to buy furniture now :) BYE TORONTO!