Sunday, April 03, 2005
the quest for the black watch
names will not be used as i'm not sure if what we, i mean, they... did was entirely legal:
kelloggs is giving away these snazzy watches in their cereal boxes. red, green, blue, yellow or black watches to be precise. at food basics today, mr.k decides he needs the yellow watch. already having the blue and red watch, he decides to MAKE SURE he gets the right watch by opening up the boxes before buying them. mr.k finds his yellow watch after four tries, and in the process finds me i mean mr.a the green watch i wa..i mean he wants.
we tell mr.m what we're up to, so now he starts complaining about how he wants the black watch so we go back, and bust open about half the remaining boxes, before he figures out that he can check the color by simply prying the box a bit open from the bottom rather than ripping it entirely. BUT after about 50 boxes (some of them on the shelves, some of them stacked up top not shelved yet) no black watch was found.
disappointed, they headed home. but all was not lost. we headed BACK OUT, this time to A and P, and our bad luck ended quickly with the findings of not one, but two black watches. and so all the box busting felt validated. just look how happy they are now.