Tuesday, April 01, 2008
I Know It's April Fool's
But this is no joke.
*Preface - Kids, don't take this too seriously. The character-to-be-mentioned will be staying with me sometime over the summer. You know, if I don't hurt his feelings too much. Plus, only the closest of friends can express their feelings like we do.
mikeK has boldly called me out through his carefully crafted post (seriously, he takes days to construct a post...I'm a personal witness to a few). You know, there was a time when all this blog was good for was subtle shots at my ex-housemates. That all ended when they thought they were too good for blogging. But look who came crawling back (they always do).
"There are so many people with cool names out there, and yet, somehow, my friends have all managed to pick the worst and ugliest names."
mikeK, your attempt to establish yourself as a blogging star by taking on the current Internets-celebrity-nobody-knows-about (see: me) is understandable. Knowing I'd respond (and probably link to his blog) on this high-traffic (even I can't type that with a straight face) blog was borderline genius. But his formulaic (broad introduction, diss some fools, seal the deal with a semi-random picture, leave you with an underwhelming punch-line) approach to blogging perplexes me. Despite the fact he took a good one year break, his online style hasn't changed at all. Some would call it consistency.
I say it's a lack of personal development.
Oh. Scroll down all the way to the bottom to find his "Blogroll", consisting of WordPress.com and WordPress.org. It screams of professionalism. And care.
"Just the other day, a kid came up to me and told me I'm his hero,
So the value that I place on your opinion is approximately zero."
I just quoted my own self. And linked to my own blog. A move that is legend..
...wait for it...
...still there?...

Hey...hey mikeK. Remember that time you got sacked so hard, you couldn't even get up to feed yourself? Yeah...