Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm An Institution  

Thanks to my ability to disappear off the face of the Internets whenever I want to, I have decided to institute casual Fridays here at Stupefying Stupidity. I links to myselves just in cases you forgots the addressies. And plurarlizing words is so hip-hop. So is making words up.

I should probably explain what casual Fridays means before I go about it.

Every Friday, I'll swing by, type for a few minutes without caring if the topics are important or if I even have a point. You want comedy? Maybe Monday. Political punditry? Come back on Wednesdays. Homer-ish sports rants? Tune in Saturday. Fridays are for me.

Here....we go!

This is a true story. Matta' of fact, it went down just minutes ago. A couple of us went out for a drive down to the lake. Three men and one female comprised the group. While at the lake, the guys were informed to take it easy on the obligatory ribbing and jesting thrown at the female because it was ALMOST that time of month for her (I know, awkward), and apparently right before that time of month, she gets overly sensitive.

On the drive home, we were then informed it was actually that time of month. Not almost. As in, please drive faster, because fluids are leaking.

I know.


How many female friends do you know that would inform males of such an occurrence? Is it socially acceptable? Where are we supposed to stand on things like this? How does a sundial really work? Is this really one of the greatest sport stories of early 2008?

Welcome to casual Fridays.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 6:16 PM .