Friday, July 18, 2008
Don't Forget 'Em, Don't Don't Forget 'Em
Yeah, I'm an OG and I O-G spelled backwards.
I'm so OG (urbandictionary it), I recently realized that I had kept Christmas & birthday cards dating back to the year 2000. They were piled nicely in a bedroom drawer, and I had not once taken them out to enjoy since their initial stashing. Yup, they were right there, along with pretty much any letter big or small ever written to me. Every thank you card, every encouragement note, every warm fuzzy, basically anything anyone has ever put down on paper for me.
I decided that it was finally time to rid myself of these leaflets. Of course, I had to sift through everything to determine which cards/letters/notes could actually have lasting value. As opposed to the cards that were purchased from the closest Hallmark and simply signed.
At the end of the messy sorting job, I had an item I did not know what to do with. And you, the reluctant readers of Seriously Stupefying Stupidity should feel free to suggest how I should proceed in the comment section below!
But before I get to the item of interest, I must mention that I found an encouragement card given to me and created by a friend. I found it in an envelope, a church offering envelope no less, and in my excited haste to figure out exactly what was inside the envelope, I neglected to pause and ponder as to why said card would be in the envelope in the first place (because who keeps boring envelopes, much less unmarked church offering envelopes).
And then the glitter started pouring out. And even after two intense hand washing sessions, I wasn't convinced I had got every last bit of it.
The card was a beautiful disaster (Kelly C!), however many years later (: Moving on.
So I have this card that was MAILED to me. From FRANCE no less. Which, I assume took some amount of effort. The problem is, even with the address and name of the person that mailed it to me, I have NO IDEA who this person is. The card itself contains a simple handwritten seasons greeting, along with a Bible themed encouragement. Other than that, there are no other clues as to how I would know this person, or of any common memories we would've shared.
I asked my moms, and she was able to determine that the last name was Vietnamese. And that it was a girl's name (thanks cpt' obvious).
I even looked through old photo albums from the year the card was sent, and the year before that, to look for familiar but forgotten faces. Nothing.
Did I mention that included on the card is an email address? So now you see that I have options!
Do I a) email and explain the situation in hopes of reviving a long lost friendship or b) throw card away and save myself the ultimate dry situation of completely forgetting a completely... c) internet stalk this person (nothing turned up for a quick google search)?