Monday, September 01, 2008

I Like My Intersections The Way I Like My Eggs  

You know, with all my traveling adventures this summer, there was one thing I didn't come across until I got back to Toronto.

If you guessed the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 ad in the top left corner of the picture you'd be absolutely correct!!!! YOU ADVANCE TWO SPACES!!

*shakes head at the seriously stupefying stupidity*

Yes, Toronto's first (and hopefully not last) scramble intersection (Dundas & Yonge). Don't know what I'm talking about? Do you still think I'm talking about Traveling Pants? Do you spend an abnormal amount of time figuring out how to put on (put on...eastside! *ahem* word to Jeezy) pants in the morning? Wikipedia it. And you probably need this too.

(my picture sucked, but you can click it for the full size, or click here for a better depiction of scramble in action)

Mark it on your calendar folks. August 28th. The day Toronto finally embraced everything the United States constitution stands for, everything that Braveheart stood for and everything this Tower will one day stand for. The freedom...(dramatic pause)... to walk from H&M to Futureshop without having to unnecessarily cross over to another corner and stand in front of a Forever 21!

posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:43 AM .