Monday, October 06, 2003

Ebay Madness  

Hahahah i just got back to my room from a buddy who's having some...anxiety about his ebay bid....see he was the highest bidder...but because of our stupid slow resnet, it took so long for the page to refresh...and he didnt know if he was still the highest bidder but it ended up....except that he didnt reach the reserve now he's anxious to receive email (he mite be sitting there refreshing email page as we speak!)

Ahhh its all good...very good....i dont know....not much today...what happened.....lets see.....hmmm now that i think about it...nothing! hahaha except i discovered that there's one of my floormates with the same cheesy humor as i have!! its like we're on the same wavelength! its SO cooL! hahaha cray-g!

other than that...nothin happens...spent like 1hour on calculus stuff today..not fun....its okay tho...serious sam saves the day....finished the "trial" moving onto the .."second encounter"..hahahah

posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:49 PM .