Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Fill'er Up
I wrote this yesterday, but I chose to publish it today. Why? I had to take my time and make my readers wait on this one, make my readers all mad and stuff, like, "You usually throw up something on the day you write it, post it already!", and then I come out of nowhere...
I forgot to gas up the car this weekend, and only realized this on the highway on-ramp with about 2 blocks of fuel left. Since the little fuel light hadn't flashed on yet, I was somewhat confident I could at least make it to the gas station outside my house (the most convenient one). Then, I went and did the dumbest thing.
I opted to take the Express lanes home, only to find out that the 401 Express was crawling, and now I didn't even have the option to take a random exit for gas if needed.
Then the little gas light turned on, informing me that I was not only in need of gas, I was also an idiot.
The rest of the way home, I tried my best to conserve gas by doing things that may or may not actually conserve gas, but gave me some peace of mind. I flipped off the radio (driving start-stop traffic without radio is maddening), and I only turned on the heat every ten minutes (to defog the windows and bring my freezing limbs back to life). The best idea I came up with? Put my car in neutral, and let it roll down any natural incline instead of giving the car any gas.
Brilliant, amirite?