i wanna run through the halls of medicine
i wanna scream with all of my lungs
i just found out there's no such thing as congestion
haha its this lil thing me and john mayer are working on, u know, a lil side project on the side. okay, maybe just me. and yes maybe i stole it from john mayer. and yes maybe i'm gonna try later to write a complete song after i study my physiology up and try to make sense.
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another happening. another shock. really. how much more in one week.
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the saying "you hafta be in that person's shoes to truly know what they're talking about" has sorta nothing to do with it, but stick with me. i've always watched curling on tv and kinda snorted a bit. like i liked the sport, but it didnt look that hard. i think part of my arrogance to the sport is that i didnt know how the strategy factored in, and i had NO CLUE how hard it was to control that friggin rock. AND to keep UP with the rock to sweep the ice in front.
safe to say, NOW I KNOW.
firstly (wow sounds like i'm writing a high school essay again), throwing the rock. i played for roughly two hours, and i STILL dont know how much weight to throw that rock with. weight as in speed or how hard i push it. most of my shots were short. and then of course, lets not even talk about the curling of the rock itself, as i had no idea where to aim. most of the time i was just hoping the rock would stay in play.
secondly, i always thought the sweepers were kinda just useless and they did a lot more work than they actually had to. little did i know that keeping up with a fast moving rock is much more work than just sliding along. of course, being a newb, i had a great time tryin to just keep my balance along the way. i think most of the times i just gave up halfway and let the rock just go its course.
WELL i think i'm done ranting about curling. i've lost my train of thought. this post has taken me a good half hour just to write. and its one of my shorter posts.
oh here's sth i was reminded of today.
"what do you call a black pilot?"
"A PILOT, what are you racist?!"
oh today i had lunch with em, justin and jen, and you KNOW someone doesnt know me very well when they dont know what to do when i crack a bad joke. like jen i think was kinda debating whether or not to laugh AT ME or just kinda stare. hahahaha :)
end randomness for tonight, man i'm all over the place right now. i'm still a lil frazzled.
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There has been a recent rash of people passing away or that are about to and I have certainly not really been in the "know" about these things until I came home for this reading week. And one of them has hit home quite hard, not me personally but I can see the way it affects my parents. They've known her for a long time I think, and it's scary how fast one person's health can deteriorate.
I don't know how much I wanna write about it here, but good old "happy" me has been put away for today. I just want to leave anyone who may be going through whatever hardship or whatever with this tidbit that is yes so cliche but encouraging on my part "He is faithful, He is true." There really is nothing to say, nothing that can be said to bring back the life of another person. But my mother put it quite nicely, its not necessarily a time to "cry or be sad", its a time to "celebrate that person's life".
On a lighter note, I am once again reminded at how small this world really is. Turns out my Queen's buddy who is originally from Vancouver is staying in Toronto at one of my oldest friend's house! SO weird! Maybe its not how small the world is, its how small my Christian bubble is.
And I also reminded of how "fallen" humanity is. I just watched Hotel Rwanda with my dad. The things humans do, its just... wow. It sometimes is a little hard to believe how we are created in God's image. I know i know, its just a movie. But still.
Not exactly the stuff I pictured myself thinking about during reading week.
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i decided to do my whole house a favor this morning, although once i got out there i quickly realize most of the work had been done. i'm talking of course about the snow that should've been on the driveway from the "snowstorm" last night. my brother/dad must've done it in the morning to get out of the driveway.
but of course, and this being one of my pet peeves, is that stupid truck thing that cleans off the sidewalks. i mean, God bless that truck thing for making the way for people to walk, but havent you noticed how high snow gets stacked up on people's driveways that they have shovelled already when it goes by? its ridiculous! it was almost chest height this morning for me...and the rest of my driveway was SPOTLESS...
so i quickly got to work on those two strips left behind by the truck (thank you very much) and also quickly ran out of energy. a weak lil boy like me shouldnt be doing so much heavy lifting of snow.
hey! why did the gum cross the road? cuz it was stuck to the chicken's foot!!!
(groan)weak sauce...just like me
oh yeah, weak sauce is another one of the sayings i have stolen from my good ol housemate mike-o. along with "dry beans" and "k thx"
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seems like everytime i come out of kingston, one of the meals i always insist on eating is "all u can eat jap". i got that out of the way quickly. here let me start the story from the beginning.
last weekend was retreat. it felt like a holiday. it kinda threw me off, as i felt like i already had my holiday kinda thing, but i had another one coming up this weekend, and of course i forgot to buy my bus ticket home. when i finally remembered on wednesday, the "to toronto" trip was sold out for all times, luckily i still bought a "to kingston" ticket for next sunday.
so i had to go figure out how to get home. just like me though, a lot of ppl decided to leave ticket buying to the last minute, so we were all in a bind. and my housemate derek finally hooks us up with a ride home (his mom came up in a van) and drove me, kwan, john, himself (derek) and MIKE FROM CALGARY to toronto today! that was not originally planned, so we decided to celebrate as he would only be here for one night (flying to calgary tomorow) so...ALL U CAN EAT JAP!
as u may/may not remember, last time i went, i practically stuffed myself full and we had to pay kwan to finish off our food because of an ordering mishap. this time, we did it just right, and im very full, but not bloated full!
NE WAYS, i'm back, and i have a week to chill. kinda sux that reading week for other schools is a lil off, but thats okaY. i'll work sth out. plus i do have a lot of work to do, contrary to what i want to believe.
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yesterday night, i met jeffrey's friends' sister without knowing she was jeffrey's friends' sister! And of course its the best when you discover that you're connected... and then you start sharing stories about the people you know in common... oh jeffrey, keep wooing them girls with your guitar playing you :)
ne ways yeah, that was really random last night..didnt get a lot of sleep as the guests decided to use my room as base camp for hanging out last night. but that was cool. i mean afterall, yesterday technically WAS the end of my week, minus the few remaining classes i have to go to.
man, i'm debating which type of prof is worse. the prof that is a jerk and is really mean and doesnt admit that she goes through material too fast. OR the prof that is kinda in his own lil world and is basically talking to the chalkboard the whole class while scribbling code while leaving us scratching our heads. cuz those two classes are definately the classes i'm bored in.
if only my profs this term would tell more crappy jokes. like "what are black holes? they're things you get in black socks!"
that would make my semester so much better, i miss my weird stats teacher! oh well, that'd be pretty cool i think.
know what else is cool? absolute zero.
also had to debate earlier today whether or not i should upgrade my computer. dell was running this promotion that ended today and it wasnt like a SUPER SWEET deal or anything, it was aiight, but i decided against it in the end. i'll just replace my burner that wont friggin open right now and maybe upgrade some ram cuz i'm definately noticing some lag especially when i'm tryin to watch movies and do sth at the same time hahaha or stuff like itunes is kinda laggy. maybe another time for a new computer...for now i'll stick to the ancient baby also known as a P III.
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location: circle square ranch
duration: friday night to sunday afternoon
food: excellent
residence: good enough
im pretty tired, got very lil sleep this weekend. but i still had a blast. expectations going into this retreat weren't too high as i kept finding out that the guys in my year weren't going...and most of the guys that were attending were on the committee, and i knew they were gonna be a lil busy running things perhaps
but thats okay, i got to spend some quality time with some frosh guys, and watch them do a few crazy things...not super crazy, but very amusing. u can check out 3 videos here:
ho ming was our speaker (from rhccc) and he talked about passion...i wish i wasnt so tired, but i managed to get a few things out of it, and again i am reminded of the fact that God is most glorified when we are most satisfied In Him.
oh, one of the frosh i hung out with, Jon, has a comparable bad taste in crappy jokes like me, he came up with these two jokes:
"whats the deal with homework, its not like we work on our home..."
"whats the deal with ovaltin? its not like it comes in an oval tin..it should be called circletin"
so those two jokes got me thinking, then we started writing material together, and some of our better ones:
"whats the deal with orange juice..i mean, its yellow"
"whats the deal with mixed vegetables, i had no idea vegetables were of different races"
"whats the deal with colin owen (worship leader extraordinaire), i mean he's chinese, but his last name is white"
and then there were the bad ones:
"whats the deal with shifty eyes, i mean, do they work in shifts?"
"whats the deal with a**** y*? is it a****, or is it you?
i think there were more, but i cant for the life of me remember now...so maybe some other time
yeah i'm done for the night...test on tuesday...not looking forward to that, but off to bed for now :)
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so it seems i've found a renewed love for blogging. its been a couple days in a row, and its not like just posting song lyrics or what not altho i would cuz i've certainly been learning a lot of lyrics
well so whats my point? it seems i hafta go on a lil blogging break for the weekend. kccf is holding its annual winter retreat b4 reading week. cept this year its a lil bit more b4 reading week than normal. there was a mixup on the dates, but it was all good. a sacrifice isnt a sacrifice if it doesnt cost me ne thing right? so if it costs me a bit of time while i'm in the middle of exams/assignments..then so be it. i just need to play less mariokart (which i have...havent played for at least a week now)...and buckle down
i'm excited to go. especially after a pretty long week. one of my buddies actually went back to toronto last week and lugged up a sleeping bag for me too...so i'm all set to go!
on a related note....my chem midterm was written today. first test ever where i would be penalized if i chose the wrong answer in the multiple choices and whatnots...that wasnt nice...specially since i wasnt warned b4 hand about this. but whats done is done...off to a relaxing weekend away from worries of next week's assignments.
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and SO it rained
just kidding. i aint gonna talk about josh har-whatever his face is either
i'm here to talk to you about what i am giving up for lent. as a house, we realize we do way too much cutting down of other ppl...specifically each other...so we will give that up, and donate a dollar into a jar everytime we do that. after that, all the money will be put into buying gospel tracts and we will go out and evangelize!
i'm hoping i dont go into the red too much as i usually only cut up mike or adrian (but he's never home ne more ... its like he doesnt like his housemates *tear*)
and cutting up of mike only happens when he provokes me (like..spitting gum an inch away from me)
we're gonna be a GOOD LOVING HOUSE in fourty days...
or the other/more popular theory is we are gonna be avoiding each other as it will be hard to carry on any conversation with using the phrase "thats stupid" or "you jerk" or things of that nature. one day down, 39 to go.
oh one more thing, we've also decided to stop smoking pot.
K JUST KIDDING geez take it easy...we're not gonna stop smoking our pot...
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i have once again ventured into a place where i go roughly...once a term!
a bar/pub?! no
a CLUB? no
CLASS? hahaha NO altho i seriously contemplate it sometimes, especially for chemistry
the LIBRARY... ding ding ding ding ding!
so here's my story. kccf pretty much hogs up a corner on the top floor of the library. when other ppl are there, we do slightly annoying things and they eventually leave. Then we get even more annoying as it is just kccf people. I did get some good studying done there today, about 2 hours of it. but it was SO DIFFERENT in the library. i'm so used to doing my reaction mechanisms with some type of music i can sing/hum/talk (aka me trying to rap) along to ... but at the library, i was getting a lil annoyed by the quietness... luckily i had my ipod hahaha oh funny story, remember to put your ipod on hold or else a jerk like me could easily reach over and max out your volume in a second (RIGHT MIKE?!) its okay, he got me back by pinching my arm...it hurt...but i'm guessin his ears hurt more .. sucker..!
ne ways, the only reason i was even IN the library was cuz of chinese new year. now wait a minute, i'm not being racist or anything so dont get all riled up. let me explain. see one of the TA's is chinese, and so he wanted to celebrate tonight. he ended up switching tutorial sections just for today with my ta (who is really really good and really really amusing, which makes it even better). so when me and mike realize that our ta would be in the tutorial from 6:30, rather than the 3:00 one we were currently sitting in, we upped and left, for the library.
i guess it worked out okay, other than a lack of a proper dinner (pizza slice + apple cider from timmy's). of course waiting for the right TA pays off as i'm feelin more or less confident about PARTS of the material...i still have the last few sections to go (which are gonna be killer)...and i solidified my confidence in those sections by doing most of the practice problems in the library.
all in all, a very good chinese new year.
Speaking of chinese new year
okay i've got nothing to tangent into these random jokes, so i'll just
"bring em out bring em out..."
Man who run in front of car get tired.
Man who run behind car get exhausted.
War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.
Ha...clever no?
if at any time you feel uncomfortable with the term "chinese new year", i sincerely appologize...i mean to say "lunar calender" new year...koreans celebrate it too (so i found out)..and i dont want to be insensitive to my non-existant korean readership i guess, or anyone other non-existant group of ppl that i may offend by claiming this new year to be "the chinese peoples'":P
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require me to "prove" one thing or another
well i say, Proofs SUCK
its a given
hahahahaaha hahaha ha
that was mainly to amuse myself while i go about writing my chemistry lab report due tomorow, that i started a couple hours ago ... which i will now dive back into.
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"i know i said it once before, but baby i'm just makin sure..."
know where thats from? its was a pretty big hit on the radio over the summer, so it shouldnt be that hard to guess
so tonight, i was again confronted with a very tough choice at hanD!
SUPERBOWL SUNDAY took place, but it also happened to be on the first sunday of the month, meaning praise and power (the "worship night" up here in k-town) also was taking place.
TO GO or not to go!!! pretty torn until i decided at halftime to just GO and forget about football for now. So i went, and it was of course a very good time of worship and seein some people i havent seen for a couple days and catching up and whatnot
so dilemma solved..! afterwards, housemate mike placed a call home to housemate derek who reported the score to be 24-14 pats with about five minutes left or sth like that...so mike, being the overreacting eagles fan was all down and "oh its over, i'm not going home"...and i started rubbing it in his face a lil cuz he was talkin a lot of smack when they were up 7-0 haha but then on my walk home, i passed by a sports bar, and noticed the score was now 24-21...with still 2 minutes to go...so i huffed and puffed the rest of the way home (the most intense workout i've had in a while mind you..yes all ... 50 seconds of that running) hahaha
PATS WIN PATS WIN ... i actually dont really care that much...but i called it all along ne ways...bring in the dynasty :)
*dynasty: a sequence of powerful leaders in the same family
*dynasty: PEEEE-OWNAGE of all opponents (with stiffling defense and a well oiled machine like offense, the 10-1 record in playoffs under one coach, the winning of 3 of the 4 last championship titles in THE most level playing field sport where a year could be any given teams' year)
and bring on a helluva week...more details to follow
oh to appease to my eagerly waiting fans:
How do you divide 14 sugar cubes into 3 cups of coffee so that each
cup has an odd number of sugar cubes? (ahh, math problems...a computer scientists loves these, oh highlight below for answer...i forgot about inviso text last time)
BUT isnt 12 EVEN?
A: It's an odd number of cubes to put in a cup of coffee (groan)
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here's that joke you've all been waiting with EXCITEMENT for, and just cuz i'm starting to cram for this thursdays chemistry exam, and i actually forgot to copy down some questions i need to answer for my chemistry lab due tuesday so chemistry is on my mind just a LIL bit you know
if water is H2O, what is H2O4?
H2O is 4 drinking, showering, washing dishes...etc DUH why, what do you use H2O 4?
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this weekend alone, i hafta make 3 choices. yes they are not the most complicated of matters, nor are they that much of an issue to me, but what would you do in my situation!?
1. Tonight (Friday) - Asian Semi-Formal is on, 12 dollars to go and dance in a packed room of asians while dressed up. all (EVERY LAST ONE) (well not adrian) have gone. of course they tried to peer pressure me into going, but anyone that knows me knows that its not my type of thing to a) dress up b) the whole "clubbing" scene
and even though that is a very good reason, i suppose i could give it a shot (it'd hafta be next year of course as this was the last one), cuz u know, u should try everything once, but that brings me to situation number two...how in the world would i wake up for
2. Chemistry Tutorial at 10am in the morning. This is almost life or death to me as one month of material has flown by me. I thought last semester's prof was terrible, but this semester...oh boy, she tries to be cooL by introducing a "molecule of the day", examples being viagra and ecstasy, but now i find out THOSE MOLECULES are on the exam as well, i guess it serves me right for not listening, but do i really need to know about the structure of viagra or ecstasy? i think i'm so screwed for this tutorial...but wait, things got compounded more with
3. Worship Practice at EIGHT am in the morning...so yeah, now you see my dilemma. On one hand i do want to go party with my friends, and it is a friday night so i should be carefree...but then where do i draw the line for irresponsibility? i know that if i had gone to asian semi, i'd be dead tired for worship practice, and then i would also be dead tired for the tutorial which i desperately need
so i drew my line where i had originally drew it...stayed at home...very nice of mel to invite me down to her apartment just to chill for a bit and watch "apples to apples" which is a fun debating game it seems...and then it was very very nice (im very thankful that God took away the hint of loneliness i was feeling...he works in such small and mysterious ways sometimes) when kwan and lincoln (guy who lives upstairs) came back cuz they decided asian semi wasnt worth the friggin 1 hour wait for a bus that never came out in the cold :)
i ended up jamming for 2 hours....and now its bed time...and yes the ppl that went to asian semi still arent back... im thinkin i made a good choice, even though i was more torn than i should've been
i'm just hopeful that ppl wont see me as some stuck up guy who wont go out of his comfort zone. i AM honestly trying... i feel like i've opened up to more ppl this year than in my whole life, and its all very overwhelming. i know i dont push myself as hard i could, and i dont necessarily take as many risks as i should, but its a growning process. i cant change overnight as much as i want to. along the same lines, im beginning to contemplate next year, as it will be my 3rd year here...what kinda role/capacity do i want to be serving the Lord (in fellowship, in church...etc) and how far will i push myself out of the box? cell group leader?worship LEADER (not just part of the team)? worship COORDINATOR? (not that i'm saying i'll get these positions, but i have been approached about the possibility of me taking on roles)
goodnight all
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i came across some notes i had taken on the course i had a test for today
and of course, sth peaked my interest, or else i wouldnt be blogging about it
its another one of those paradoxes that make you think!!! here we go! prepare your mind for a journey to regions that have NEVER EVER been visited before...(the ric flair intro music that i think is like...space odessy 2001 music...starts to play in the background to signify the beginning of a journey YOU GET THE IDEA)
There are three false statements. Can you find them?
OOO scary huH! my test went well, and no crazy questions like that on it...simple stuff that doesnt require too much thinking...all thru the test tho, i had to go pee...which was more of a challenge (to hold it) than actually writing the test ha go figure :)
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