Saturday, February 19, 2005
seems like everytime i come out of kingston, one of the meals i always insist on eating is "all u can eat jap". i got that out of the way quickly. here let me start the story from the beginning.
last weekend was retreat. it felt like a holiday. it kinda threw me off, as i felt like i already had my holiday kinda thing, but i had another one coming up this weekend, and of course i forgot to buy my bus ticket home. when i finally remembered on wednesday, the "to toronto" trip was sold out for all times, luckily i still bought a "to kingston" ticket for next sunday.
so i had to go figure out how to get home. just like me though, a lot of ppl decided to leave ticket buying to the last minute, so we were all in a bind. and my housemate derek finally hooks us up with a ride home (his mom came up in a van) and drove me, kwan, john, himself (derek) and MIKE FROM CALGARY to toronto today! that was not originally planned, so we decided to celebrate as he would only be here for one night (flying to calgary tomorow) so...ALL U CAN EAT JAP!
as u may/may not remember, last time i went, i practically stuffed myself full and we had to pay kwan to finish off our food because of an ordering mishap. this time, we did it just right, and im very full, but not bloated full!
NE WAYS, i'm back, and i have a week to chill. kinda sux that reading week for other schools is a lil off, but thats okaY. i'll work sth out. plus i do have a lot of work to do, contrary to what i want to believe.