Tuesday, February 08, 2005

so thats what it looks like  

i have once again ventured into a place where i go roughly...once a term!
a bar/pub?! no
a CLUB? no
CLASS? hahaha NO altho i seriously contemplate it sometimes, especially for chemistry
the LIBRARY... ding ding ding ding ding!

so here's my story. kccf pretty much hogs up a corner on the top floor of the library. when other ppl are there, we do slightly annoying things and they eventually leave. Then we get even more annoying as it is just kccf people. I did get some good studying done there today, about 2 hours of it. but it was SO DIFFERENT in the library. i'm so used to doing my reaction mechanisms with some type of music i can sing/hum/talk (aka me trying to rap) along to ... but at the library, i was getting a lil annoyed by the quietness... luckily i had my ipod hahaha oh funny story, remember to put your ipod on hold or else a jerk like me could easily reach over and max out your volume in a second (RIGHT MIKE?!) its okay, he got me back by pinching my arm...it hurt...but i'm guessin his ears hurt more .. sucker..!

ne ways, the only reason i was even IN the library was cuz of chinese new year. now wait a minute, i'm not being racist or anything so dont get all riled up. let me explain. see one of the TA's is chinese, and so he wanted to celebrate tonight. he ended up switching tutorial sections just for today with my ta (who is really really good and really really amusing, which makes it even better). so when me and mike realize that our ta would be in the tutorial from 6:30, rather than the 3:00 one we were currently sitting in, we upped and left, for the library.

i guess it worked out okay, other than a lack of a proper dinner (pizza slice + apple cider from timmy's). of course waiting for the right TA pays off as i'm feelin more or less confident about PARTS of the material...i still have the last few sections to go (which are gonna be killer)...and i solidified my confidence in those sections by doing most of the practice problems in the library.

all in all, a very good chinese new year.
Speaking of chinese new year
okay i've got nothing to tangent into these random jokes, so i'll just
"bring em out bring em out..."

Man who run in front of car get tired.
Man who run behind car get exhausted.
War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.

Ha...clever no?

if at any time you feel uncomfortable with the term "chinese new year", i sincerely appologize...i mean to say "lunar calender" new year...koreans celebrate it too (so i found out)..and i dont want to be insensitive to my non-existant korean readership i guess, or anyone other non-existant group of ppl that i may offend by claiming this new year to be "the chinese peoples'":P

posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:45 PM .