Thursday, May 10, 2007
At Least He Passed School (Internet Congrats By The Way)
*Preface - I wasn't even going to post today. Actually, I was going to throw up the rockingest rectangle comic known to man. I may still do it tomorrow, pending permission from sogh, who apparently is the hardest person to reach due to her self-imposed MSN ban. Speaking of reaching people (ready for a transition so seamless my mother would be proud?)
"Talk to you later tonight"
A perfectly normal way to end a conversation. Except for the fact that there was never a conversation in the first place. The above snippet was the entirety of a text message received today at exactly 5:32pm from one ex-housemate. The very same ex-housemate who insisted for two full years on calling home to inform the rest of the house that he was indeed coming home.
Does he simply have a bad case of stating-the-unnecessary? Amongst other things.
< sarcasm >
But what's more important is he TAKES AWAY ALL THE SURPRISE that I get from him talking to me later, or arriving home. THERE'S NO FUN IF YOU INFORM ME OF SUCH ACTION. You've created an expectation and once that is there, you are merely fulfilling it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
And where does that leave me?! I guess I now know we're going to talk later tonight, but when? Does he expect me to just sit in front of my computer blogging finding things to do until he contacts me? His subtle way of handcuffing me to my computer is entirely unfair.
< /sarcasm >