Thursday, May 17, 2007
Welcome to Fakebook.
*Preface - there will be something up soon, just wait for it. It will be awesome, but unfortunately, not aawesome.
p.s. I don't know what to do with prefaces, but I thought they were interesting and I obviously just want to exploit my power of blog (beam me up scotty, it's time to morph!) PENDULUM POWER*
Don't worry, we'll bring him (start music) back-back-back, back again-gen-gen. Guess who'll be back-back-back, tell his friends-friends-friends. I will attempt to write this post in fourth person but one doubts it will actually end up that way. Why? It will be annoying for one to read after a while...I have low tolerance for more things than just lactose.
He will be missed. (Tattoos were soooo last fall. It's all about the temporary ones now.)
So what's this post all about? ButtugMcOysty. It's a petition to make him post again; he is very weak to his dedicated readers...well weak to not commenting on other people's comments and making witty remarks whenever possible. So let's take a vote (I'll veto it if it turns out badly, because 'veto' is just 'vote' with a different placement of vowels, oh and I have the power of blog *smile*). We ONLY need 50 votes, just five zero. If you want him back (which you obviously do, since I'm not posting more than once), than all you have to do is make the comment:
I love ButtugMcOysty, tell somebody.
on the comment for this post, and that will mean YOU WANT HIM BACK (even just a little bit)!!!!!!!It's not hard, it will only take a moment of your time and you will make a huge impact on someone's life. So I encourage you to do it, this is not a commercial about finding your sleep number, it won't cost you any money. Take a few seconds just to vote, and bring back the daily dose of sarcasm that "we all need." thank you. *smiiiiiiile* (use it, or lose it)
well, I can only bring I guess this will have to fill the empty space until we get enough votes (we're aiming for 50 "I love ButtugMcOysty, tell somebody"s!!!!!!!!!!!)
Please vote. (even you McOysty, I know you're reading this, and I KNOW you have the urge to post.)
p.s. you can vote more than once.
0 times: you are horrible, you read and don't see the impending need.
5 times: you'll get a smile...maybe from him, or maybe just from some random person on the street with a rectangle on their belly.
10 times: you ARE a superhero.
15 times: this blog is indebt to you
20 times:a rectangle comic will be drawn personally for you.
25 times: a post dedicated to you will be made on this blog. (that might not happen.)
50 times: wow, just wow. Even I would give you "the world's best blog visitor" award.
vote. use it. cuz he is a better poster than the one on your wall (punny pft)