Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Things You Thought You Knew  

*Preface - I'm totally piggybacking off of someone's unsecured wireless network, and I figured what better usage would I have of "borrowed" Internet than posting! For a computer dependent nerd like me, finding an unsecured wireless network when one doesn't currently doesn't have Internet (missed modem delivery), is the equivalent of finding out the blind date your mother set you up with is actually Jenna Fischer (the friendly, girl-next-door-ish, secretary in NBC's The Office). It's fantastic.

If your mother really were to set you up on a date with Jenna Fischer (ladies, you can substitute your own male crush in the underlined space above), you may have wanted to have combed your hair that day, or have brushed your teeth, or have prepared some interesting conversation topics excluding all things related to her semi-fame.

*Sidenote* - This post is sponsored by Jim & Pam - Karen Was Cooler, But Fate Had To Rear Its Head. *End Sidenote*

The same kind of thinking goes into university exam preparations (at least it should), job interviews and competitive anything.

What line of thinking is this?

If you know in advance you are going to do something, be prepared.

Just think, if you were to take a knife into a gun fight ...

... never. mind.

This all sounding like common sense to you? Of course, I, the self-proclaimed king of common sense could've told you it was so just a couple hours ago, when I decided to give my shower tub a good old-fashioned scrub-down.

My mother had earlier instructed me to use yellow dish-washing gloves, and we even went out and bought an 8-pack of beer scrubbing sponges. I had the necessary chemicals (the tub was nasty, water would not do), and apparently, right after the tub, I was just to let the water run and take a shower, as I'd come out sweaty and smelling like cleaning chemicals.

So, totally ready to rock-and-roll right?

I slapped on the pair of a-little-too-tight yellow rubber gloves, and after about (what seemed like) an hour of back-breaking labor, the tub was as white as Michael Jackson. I stood there in the tub, pretty ready to take the well-earned shower, with the inviting warm water running between my toes.

Missing in action? The absolutely vital combination of soap/shampoo.

Everybody together now...


I had to fish my clothes out of the laundry hamper, and walk briskly to the Shoppers Drug Mart located close (but oh-so-far in this case) by, smelling like a million bucks worth of tuna fish and sweating like an easily flustered guy on a blind date with Jenna Fischer (please be me).

I love her.

But Karen was still better.

I got my soap and shampoo, got my shower, and got a life lesson I am now in turn teaching you.

Learn Things.

Goodnight. And good luck.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:40 PM .