Time is short.
Time is money.
Money is definitely short (unless you're Frank Lucas).
Short is money?
If there's one thing for sure, this post sure ain't short. Buckle your safety harnesses, you're in for a wild ride...crank that Kosha Boy...
...Hanukkah's a festival we celebrate it everyday, haters get mad cuz they got one and we got eight!...
...now let's get to the business.
What You Should Actually Do Whilst In University
You know, besides all the academic learning you're paying for. I assume that because you pay for it, you probably should be doing it. But you're not going to spend every living hour doing the academics. So what should you, the scholar-to-be, be doing with all your free time? I say that hesitatingly because time is not free. Read the equations above.
1. Train your immune system.
Rigorously and thoroughly. What's that saying, if you ain't using it, you're losing it? So while you're in your prime, push yourself immune system to the limit. Don't hesitate to eat food off the floor or to use a cup you haven't washed in a week. The oven-baked chicken wing looks a little raw after 20 minutes in the oven? There's only one way to find out, and that way goes through your stomach. Forgot to wash your hands before you eat? Don't stop now, if you go wash your hands your meal will get cold! And unless you're eating ice-cream, you probably don't want that.
*Sidenote* - Ice-cream for dinner? Why. Not. *End Sidenote*
You'll find that if you commit yourself to this, you'll get sick less often as the years go by, and you'll recover from any sickness quicker.
2. Evolve proper studying habits.
I say evolve because discovery is not enough. Sure, you may be a great owl, studying through insane never-heard-of early morning hours. You may even find that you work best with the pressure of an exam the next morning. Heck, you may find that on the day of the exam, you will drop everything to watch Evan Almighty (started off as a waste of time but finished nicely). And the absolute worst, you find that you calculate your mark prior to the exam, calculate exactly what mark you need on the exam to arrive at an acceptable overall mark, and then you study accordingly.
You will do well in academia. Really. Go on, give yourself a future round of applause if this is you. I'll wait.
But realize this. For the vast majority of us, in the (near) future, we will be taking jobs where we will not be able to dictate our working hours (at least not like we dictate our studying hours). We will not be able to rush work and get away with it, a 60% may be a pass in school, but 60% is a pink slip in the working world. We will not get to interrupt our working day to go and catch a movie or jump onto the non-existent beds for a power-nap-turned-full-out-sleep.
So this could go either way. Now that you realize your studying habits may not necessarily carry over to a successful career (it may open doors to it though), maybe you should look to study from 9-5 and then call it a night. I'm just saying. Or you could go the opposite way, and say that "this is the last time I'll ever get to live like a night owl" and take it the other extreme. But you need to know this.
3. For the music enthusiasts, go to concerts. For the eating enthusiasts, join a cooking club.
Don't just dabble in things you enjoy or may enjoy, commit to trying them out. Obviously this is within reasonable limits; I will not cover gray areas, but suffice to say, if you enjoy stealing, don't steal. Unless you're Derek Jeter.
Take some time to listen to different varieties of music or to taste different foods. Find a mountain and climb it!
This is getting too inspirational. Please watch this before continuing. In a year, I'll be 23. I'm going to need bigger shirts.
4. A french fry just fell on the floor. You better eat it.
5. Continuation of 3., sort of, but I lost my train of thought.
Enjoy the company of different people. Sometimes this may be born out of necessity. But if you find yourself running with a different pack of wolves (so to speak) every term, do not despair. You'll find that like most dynamic networks, you'll settle on a steadier group of friends (attractors) even if the peripherals keep changing.
But people are like snowflakes. No two are the same. So get to know some.
6. The list is getting too generic.
Yup. I went in with a full head of steam with my first two points, then 2am, coupled with the reality of my zero-creative-ability level, kicked in. This post ends now.
The point is, university is a special place. And I can't believe I only have half a year left (pending the passing of courses). This is one of the happier and sadder days of the year at the very same time. I need to stop putting myself in situations that confuse my mind.
Summary only...