Sunday, December 16, 2007
Television Talk
*Preface - I haven't talked television in a while because television has become more of an excuse to straight chill with folks rather than being the event itself. I suppose it's for the better that way. But the upcoming holiday season tends to be accompanied by a look-back on things of the year past. For myself, it's much easier to review things that are way more fresher (that's right) in my mind, so with that said, here's some backward glances at television offerings of the year past! Allons-y!
I can sum up the past few months of television in one noun, which also doubles as a verb, triples as a tongue twister, and according to, quadruples as a British idiom! Seriously! The chance for confusion this word inherently possess is enough to make me chuckle!
(no pun intended)

Don't get me started on the finer points. If you watched Serendipity and it managed to incite violent anger from you every time the characters were oh-so-close to finding each other, but loved the movie nonetheless, this show should be right up your alley. The male and female stars are completely in love, but mustn't ever touch! WHAT A TWIST!
American Gladiators! They're coming back! The writer's strike means we, the audience, will be treated to a handful of horrible reality-based television shows, none of which I am more excited about then American Gladiators. For the "chuck" tie in, check out the 2:15 mark of the video. Fantastic.
Lastly, I know none of my readers watch the Sopranos (that I know of). Nor am I on that episode just yet. But I've got to wonder how many people chucked their television remotes at the cable box thinking that the cable companies screwed them out of the series' final scene, only to find out later that the show actually ended that way.