Monday, March 03, 2008
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring
Some folks up on the third floor got into an argument at 3:00AM, and one person decided to storm out of the building, but not before pulling the fire alarm, you know, because when you're angry, anything goes. The building attendant person hasn't been able to turn off the fire alarm yet, so...
...time to blog!
I've recently self-confessed to writing a mock GMAT exam for no good reason other than to keep my mind sharp mathematically. Similarly, I sacrificed 2 hours of my past Wednesday night to attend a music lecture.
*I hear fire trucks coming...this is getting out of hand*
My instincts are rather nerdy/geeky/book-loving, however you want to label it. But after a good number of years of institutionalized education, one of the greatest things I have come to learn about is myself.
That's good, because I don't really want anyone to know me better than I know myself, right?
*Sidenote - Have you heard the unplugged version of Rihanna's Umbrella? At first, I wasn't that excited that she was a part of the Glow In The Dark Tour, but you know what, I won't be offended if she gets to hog the stage for a second. And, this song that was once soooo 2007 has now become a big part of my 2008. And I will forever add "ella ella" to any word rhyming with umbrella. Forever never ever seems that long.
Anyways, the alarm is off for good. Stammering on would prove futile anyways.
I don't want to say goodbye to you, so I'll just say goodnight to you.