Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cue The Trumpets  

65 years ago, early in the morning, the infamous bombing of Pearl Harbor roused America to decisive action in World War II.

Today, 65 years later, during what was declared to be the last gathering of Pearl Harbor survivors due to old age and dwindling numbers, some veterans still, and understandably so, harbored some anger towards the Japanese.

Of course I believe holding ill will towards anyone will damage yourself more than it will anyone else, even to the person the feelings are directed towards. But I don't expect these men to change. I cannot even begin to image the horrors they awoke to that Sunday morning, and have been forever ingrained in their memories, some 65 years ago.

My only hope for them is that they are able to get past the resentments and bad memories one time to try out this amazing delicacy turned common food known to me as ...


Preferably of the all-you-can-eat (the Canadian!) style. If not, they'd be sorely missing out.

Don't you hate it when I spoil promising posts?

While we're on the subject of war, luckily, I can label this blunder hilarious (thankfully). NEW JERSEY! You'd think they'd be over in Iraq, but apparently some schoolchildren just needed to learn a lesson.

Posted in posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:55 PM .