Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I Know Me
"No matter where you go you are what you are, player."
Truer words have been spoken, but none as strikingly relevant. While it may be easy to alter personas to blend in with different groups of people (we've all done this to some extent), when faced with adversity, it is widely known that people's true colors tend to shine through. The person underneath those clothes (no Shakira).
The inner you.
Today, the inner me stood up to attention, as I proudly, and unforcedly, wrote and passed an exam that was not required for anything. A free will examination.
You see, you can take the student away from the school and plop him down in front of a computer monitor to make the company some money, heck you can even take his freedom away from 9am-6pm (would it have been too easy to include something to the effect of "taking my breath away" here?), but my DNA dictates that I am Asian, and you will never be able to take the student mentality (ie. the desire to GET MARKS) away from me.
I do realize that the majority of my friends are currently facing the daunting task of writing three exams in the next two days, or something ridiculous to that effect, and the fact that I'm posting about ONE optional exam that I educatedly guessed my way through may infuriate them.
But honestly now, you really should be reading the textbooks instead of the Internets. As the Beach Boys once happily sang, be true to your school (rah Rah RAH!)
Good night, and good luck.