Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Mel Melted My Ice Cream Dream
Check out that title. Stuffed with alliterations, rhymes, and even a pun. I guess I was feeling generous today. And usually I leave the title of the post for last because I don't want to waste my incredible wit on a catchy title then have nothing in the actual post itself. That's bait and switch people. Very illegal. Don't want to walk that fine line because my balance has been off lately (heavy on the school....light on everything else except the food)
But this, this just came naturally. Very impulsive. All you need to know is that some "Mel" sent me this pictorial explaining where ice cream comes from. Now, I will never curl up in my bed with a tub of ice cream again. And to think, I spent half a year scooping that stuff into cones for other people. If I ever scooped some ice cream for you, I appologize.