Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Chicken Little Says "The GST is Falling!"  

In case you haven't noticed, the G.S.T. has been at 6% since July 1st. That's right, down one whole percent. Thank you very much Canadian government. You have made the mental math much harder on me, or at the very least you are forcing me to learn a new way of calculating the tax.

Can't teach an old ButtugMcOystey new tricks.

Look at that, it's time for a sidenote. Why can't venders put the ACTUAL price on the item, after tax and all? That would make my life easier. Let my brain think about more important things, like things to say to my new cubicle mate all the way from the United Kingdom.

Yeah, jolly good fellow is he. He'll be around for a week (or two if I'm lucky and charming enough). And hopefully now I'll have interesting work related stories to post up here.

Where was I. Right, the tax cut.

Of course, I appreciate any free money that comes my way in any shape or form. But whereas my Tim Horton's medium double double coffee came out to an even $1.25 before the tax reduction, it comes out to a more-awkward-than-my-social-abilities $1.24.

So after one hundred and twenty five coffee's, I will finally feel the effect of the tax being lowered and have a double double on the government.

That is, if I can only quit throwing my pennies at little kids that have suddenly invided my place of work and into my cubicle garbage can when I'm really bored.

Tomorrow, the cup of coffee is on an Intern friend, who bestowed upon me a One-Dollar gift certificate to Tim Horton's, bless her good heart.

And you thought I couldn't make real friends.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:39 AM .