Wednesday, July 05, 2006
I Really Don't Make This Stuff Up
Received: Today when I got into work
"For those of you who maintain an external presence on blogs, FaceBook, LiveJournal, MySpace, etc please take a minute and review the type of information you are posting for the world to see. Is it the sort of information you'd want your manager / co-workers / future employer to see? Have you posted revealing photos or comments that could be considered inappropriate?
The internet has a way of creating linkages that aren't obvious or expected. If you've had an active party life at school, documented on FaceBook or LiveJournal, and then happily announce that you've got a great job at I**, you've created an implicit link between the two. This profile can be searched by people you currently work with, or your next employer. Recruiters are starting to review these sites to learn more about potential recruits... are you turning them away by your choice of material? Please consider taking a minute to go over your online profiles and clean things up to represent a more professional appearance online."
-courtesy of the friendly folks at EYE BEE MMM
I have incredible, no, ridiculous, still not there yet, judiculous, there we are, 20-20 30-30 foresight. What incredible timing. I live for these moments when I can come back onto my blog and gloat at anyone who thought I was overly paranoid.
See. I was only A LITTLE PARANOID. And a whole lot right.