Wednesday, July 12, 2006
It's been a quiet week.
Here on the blog, and in real life.
Too quiet.
For some reason, my MSN habits are starting to spill over into other facets of my life.
No, I don't say "LOL" even though I tend to laugh out loud from time to time.
I mean come on, I'm frickin' hilarious ten hundred and two percent of the time.
And when I'm not, I still am.
Can't Stop Won't Stop.
Can't stop I, from drinkin Mai-Tai's, with Ta Ta
Down in Nevada, ha ha, Poppa, word life
Word Life - The equivalent of "I promise", thuganomically speaking.
I think I realized why I have such a hard time listening to Southern rappers.
Other than Field Mob, I think they're superb.
Souther rappers tend to make up so much slang that half the time they don't even know what they're saying (they probably make ish up on the spot), and the other half they're HIGH.
Not here, not there.
On MSN, I tend to hit the "enter" key two billion times before I can finish a thought.
So you get disjointed messages, that are interuppted by messages from the person I am chatting with.
And this works decently when I'm only talking to one person.
But on the rare occasion I have the priviledge of indulging in two conversations at the same time (I know, very counter-intuitive, but hey the Internet is all about breaking down borders, Hi China), I tend to leave thoughts unfinished.
No clue how this blog post will turn out.
I usually type it up in big, overly-long and superflous paragraph format.
We'll all discover together.
Come on, take a ride on the Yellow School Bus.
That slang is brought to you by the Bay Area, courtesy of the Hyphy Movement.
Which is dead.
I think.
Last time I checked.
The Bayview/Sheppard area in the GTA region has now been dubbed the Yay Area.
One more for your money.
Did you check out Dave Chappelle yet?