Monday, October 02, 2006

The Chronicles of Home Alone - Day One  

On a whim, my parents have flown off into the sunset, on a jet plane no less, to vacation in Europe. Yes, it's rather romantic, two people, after so many years of marriage, running off like any happy married couple should. Hitting up a few different locations in a span of two weeks. Expensive dining, fancy shopping excursions, trading the cares of the world for room service with an accent, that's everything a vacation should be. The only minor issue they have to deal with, they left their POOR CHILD behind to fend for himself.

That's me.

Just in case your memory needed a jolt, or if you're a new reader, which is highly unlikely because my hit counter readings are inversely proportional to the readings I get off my actual scale, and when one is bored with nothing to do, one eats, so let me share, and for my sakes, please act like you care.

Somebody hold me.

Last time I was left alone by myself, I ended up eating Pogo Sticks for meals. And I outwitted, outplayed, and outlasted starvation.

This time, I'm determined to eat right, and so tonight, I helped myself to a healthy serving of beans and beef and assorted mixed vegetables. And yes I'm very aware of the old adage:

Beans, beans, they're good for your heart.

We all know the rest, no need to get smart. If I survive the night, I'll be back here tomorrow. As Edward Murrow would say, "Good night, and good luck".

posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:12 PM .