Monday, October 30, 2006
FireFox Holes
In the spirit of me attempting to go through a long, and agonizing, hockey season without jumping ship on my favorite teams, the following paragraphs that have been strung together should not be read if you have anywhere important to go in the next hour, because it's as long as I am aawesome. A whole lot.
Convenience, compounded by my laziness, has led me to save passwords on sites I frequently visit. For the less Internets-inclined folks out there, allow me to explain. I am a devoted checker of my email, which is a very pleasant way of saying I obsessively check my email every 20 minutes. On top of that I have a variety of things that need I feel the want to check up on three (or twelve) times a day.
As if I were boiling water and obsessively checking to make sure it hasn't boiled over, when it hasn't even begun to boil at all. And when checking on water boiling, the lifting of the lid is a vital part of the process. Which sets me back. In fact, this whole paragraph may have set my entire post back further than I would would've imagined at its conception. Post, back and further, three words that all describe relative position, used in a row. Sometimes, even I amaze you, the readership.
So you see, instead of being forced to type out ... my password (almost typed it out right here before realizing how hilariously oxymoronic that would render my argument) every time I deem it necessary to check up on something, my accounts and affairs instantaneously load up on my click.
Introduction to Making Computers Work For You, CSC 010. Welcome to class.
Now with my previously announced browser switch to Firefox, a previously unnoticed issue has been noticed and is noteworthy enough to be noted here on this virtual notepad, Stupefying Stupditiy. A problem isn't a problem until it becomes a problem. Unless you're a go-getter, solving problems before they occur, but welcome to the world of technology where everyone is usually just playing catch-up to problems. And in the not-so-famous words of a certain comic, I don't got jokes, I got problems.
Thus far, my convenience has payed vast, unobvious(?) dividends. Unfortunately, as all things that go up must come down, all things good must come to and end. Or seemingly. I may be overreacting, but just to be sure, pay close attention, because...
...after this flow, you gonna owe me a favor.
Firefox saves your password, UNENCRYPTEDLY.
Buttug McOysty (that's me), making up words at an alarming rate equivalent to the rate of our ozone layer shrinking into obscurity. By the by, what happened to that craze where everyone was worried about that? Calling Greenpeace, get on it thanks.
Pardon me, allow me to reiterate, but in regular-speak. If you use Firefox, save your passwords, and let me on that computer, with one push of a button I can display each saved password and the corresponding site in a nice chart format!
You know, for my perusing convenience.
Now, I'm not ready to incite a browser war between different factions of my readership. I'm absolutely positive there are ways that my saved passwords can also be recovered from Internet Explorer. I don't deny that. But I'm sure there isn't a "Show Passwords" button that is securely guarded by a "Are you sure you wish to show your passwords" prompt either.
I'm glad I don't save my online banking passwords. Because that would be taking "show me the money" to a new e-level. Somebody in the Mozilla Firefox organization needs to lose their job due to my insecurity. An unsatisfied customer is only satisfied when heads roll.