Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Picture This  

When I first started writing on the virtual paper known as the Internets, I wouldn't say I had a clear direction I wanted to take it in. And if you dare to click on some of my archives, or obsessively read all of them in a row, you can clearly see different writing structures/styles and how I have (d)evolved over the years. I feel like I've changed a lot, yet very little at the same time. As if I was discovering myself through my sometimes thoughtful, sometimes angry, always exciting, always aawesome, ramblings.

This is beginning to sound like I'm celebrating a blog birthday or "1000 posts" or "over 10 billion SERVED! visitors", all of which I plan to one day merrily celebrate, today not being that day.

My point being, I designed, er, modified the Stupefying Stupidity template using Internet Explorer, and consequently (but not apparent to me at the time), for Internet Explorer.

With my recent browser jump to Firefox, I startlingly discovered that one of my beloved background images was not being displayed. So because it is the paragon of art blending in smoothly with a color scheme, I'm going to dedicate the rest of this post to it, and hopefully Firefox cooperates and allows me to display it in all its glory following this sentence, when I choose to end it, right...soon...now:

I find it ironic that Firefox has selectively blocked out an image of a shadowy FOX.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:56 PM .