Monday, August 27, 2007

I Still Employ The Use of Asterisks  

Just returned from the local* collision reporting center. Don't worry, my mother's accident was minor, the car will need repairs, but physically speaking, my mother is doing just fine. Just a little mad at herself.

I have previously not set foot in a collision reporting center, due to my superior driving skills, instincts and anticipation. The RCMP Safety Bear** would be so proud of me.

But allow me to describe the police officers at work there.

Officer Sass
This particular officer was giving a guy a hard time, even threatening to send him back to take his driving tests again. I tuned into the semi-heated exchange a little late, but it had something to do with the guy reporting an accident a week late, and the officer insulting his intelligence. I figured the officer was manufacturing some drama into an otherwise dull work-life. Why do I say this? Because of...

Officer Word-Games-Are-Fun
This officer was sitting behind his big, empty, desk, front and center, doing the daily crossword puzzle. My kind of officer. I totally want to be him when I grow up. Except, better at crosswords. He looked hopelessly stuck.

Officer Wake-Me-Up-When-September-Ends
He was fast asleep, in the classic one-arm-propped-up sleeping-at-work posture, because the face-down-pose is too conspicuous.

And finally...

Officer Sass-ette
This female officer was responding to incoming calls to the reporting center. Here's how the exchange I caught went:

Excuse me sir, but I have plenty of other work to get to, so please just come in, and report the accident.

*slams phone down*

*walks over to Officer-Word-Games-Are-Fun, rolls her eyes, and proceeds to do absolutely nothing for the rest of my time spent at the center*

Fantastic. How much of my taxes goes to paying these guys again? And what kind of qualifications does one need to become of these tax-dollar-sucking-expenditures? Much like Joe, I wanna know.

*By local, I actually mean a good twenty minute drive away. But that was the one "in my area" according to a pamphlet an officer handed my mom at the scene of the accident.

**I think I was thinking about Smokey Bear at the time, forgetting Smokey Bear only cares about fire safety and would totally leave you be if your car accident didn't involve fire.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:49 PM .