Wednesday, May 04, 2005

kingston vs toronto (round 1)  

maybe its just me being a lil on edge right now
but here's a sample of the types of conversations i can expect in the two places i can call "home"

housemate1 - lets play mariokart!
housemate2 - no lets jam!
housemate3 - lets do both!
me - okay
(housemate 4 is noticeably absent...bahaha okay very few ppl will get that)

mother - eat your fruits a****, and u need to drink milk to satisfy ur daily calcium intake or else u'll get osteoporosis
me - yes mother (not really agitated, appreciating the motherly concern)
father - really i think u need to understand the difference between ram and processor speeds
me - for the 20th time, my slow computer is SLOW IN GENERAL (very agitated at this point)

oh well on a happier note (if thats possible):
a**** y* has bought himself a set of dumbells, very small ones that weigh no more than 10 laugh while u can, because this weakling is about to transformed into, (dramatic drumroll please), less of a weakling. maybe i should take those b4 and after shots. on second thought, nevermind.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:56 PM .