Friday, May 27, 2005
some odd reason, the subway was much more crowded than any other friday since i started work. then for other odd reasons the subway decided to CRAWL all the way from bloor (which i think is pronounced like 'blue-er') to sheppard. it was kinda funny to watch cars stuck in rush hour passing the subway...
then on my walk home from sheppard to citation, i had come to stop at a red light. alongside me pulls this car with the top down...i look inside and see this guy bobbing his head to his music. then it dawns on me that he's listening to BRITNEY SPEARS (me against the music)....coolness factor spiked up..then down really quickly.
sad part was, i knew most of the lyrics to that song...
speaking of britney, remember her song "oops i did it again"?
u know the one that went:
"oops i did it again
i played with ur heart
got lost in the game.
Oh baby baby
Oops, you think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent."
remember? i'm actually not going anywhere with this post, just thought it'd be fun to get a song stuck in ur head for the weekend. YOUR WELCOME.
happy weekend...i'm out, like britney spears, except she's tryin to weasel her way back in with her new show "chaotic". so please write letters, send emails, sign petitions...whatever it takes to CANCEL THAT SHOW