Wednesday, September 28, 2005

TV has Taken Over  

When something like THIS happens, you can't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Then you quickly re-read the article, and suck that sigh of relief right back into your system as you realize that the people on the plane were actually watching the news coverage of their flight AS it was happening.

Seriously now. If my plane is in danger of going down, I can think of about... 3, no, 4 better things to do than to watch ... well my flight go down... on tv.

4. Eat all the remaining airline food. Every last crumb. What's that? You think airplane food is worse than eating a cow liver raw? THEN MORE FOR ME.
3. Go up to first class, and make myself at home. Cuz if I'm going down, at least I'm going down in style.
2. Go to each and every one of the crying babies within a 20 seat radius, and rudely tell off their parents for allowing their kids to cry on an airplane while I was attempting to fall asleep.
1. Take a nap - it's just what I do.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 5:48 PM .