Friday, January 27, 2006
Mr.Stupid Is Following Me
I'm feeling a little blonde this week. A little, off if you will (or as we say in binary, "0" nhehenhenehen hoiven). Anybody seen any of my marbles!? I seem to be missing one of those "bright" colored ones.
Today, I was walking home from class.
Great story huh? I'm not done, so please sit back down. Cmon, my stories go all over the place, so just give me a chance. K thanks.
Before I had set out on this epic journey home, I had put my headphones in their rightful place (my ears), and I had set off. It wasn't til I got home that I realized no music was coming out from the headphones and as a result, I wasn't bobbing my head like a bobble-head toy which makes me look so gangster.
Now, there is a set of rules dictating when you are allowed to have your headphones in your ears while no music is playing:
1. When you want to ignore someone. I'm talkin about that annoying fat kid who is walking up to you to ask if he could borrow a dollar for a poutene at the fry truck. Strap on your headphones, and simply point to them when he starts talking, and shrug. Fat kid will slowly saunter away.
2. When your ears are cold. Granted, my little ipod earbuds won't do anything, but hey, these are general set of rules. I didn't make these up. Or did I.
3. When you need to pee and there is a lineup. Just push your way on up front, and pretend you can't hear the heckling coming your way. Everyone will eventually realize that you have headphones on and are completely oblivious to world outside the little bubble that is the music dance party going on in your head, and they will shutup. Either that, or you'll get a swift kick to the kidneys.
4. When your prof is talking in class. As a corollary, this applies to any "guest speakers", TA's and announcement makers that happen to swing by your class on any given sunday day. This gives off the impression that you are being a rebel by not listening to whomever is doing the talking. And we all know that rebels are cool, and you know you want to be one. Sorry, I guess some of us are just born to be like we were a MuchMusic television show.
NOWHERE in those rules does it state you can have headphones on while not playing music because you SIMPLY FORGOT TO TURN ON THE MUSIC.
And for that, I give myself 15 dumdum's out of a possible 10.
Oh, next person that hits up Costco or Walmart, please pick me up an "ark". My apartment is being overrun by water. I believe the term is flooding. Maybe more on this later, if I escape these dire straits alive.