Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Chicken "Soup for Up My Computer"  

Everybody, make sure you know where your children are and start boarding up those windows and doors. That's right, a wave is about to sweep over this planet, and it's coming to a town near you, Summer 2006,

Settle down. No sir, no need to riot and stock up on water jugs. SERIOUSLY, PUT THAT CROWBAR DOWN. I'm talkin about a new "fad" that is currently making nerds run to their computers, release their "winged" fingers (cuz they fly across the keyboard), and start giggling nerdily (like...neeeheehehehehehe).

My friends, nerds today that have not bought a Mac are either installing the Mac operating system or a Mac-Theme onto their PC's.

Semi-Nerd people *gasp*, The-Rest just stare

Essentially, they have turned their computers into poser-mac's. Mac's have just become the new Tamagotchi (remember those? wicked fun...I sure say "wicked" a lot now) Or the new LiveStrong wristband. Everybody's gotta have one. And if you don't have one, then you hafta go to the local China Town and pick yourself up one of them rip-offs. Bringing me back to these rip-off macs. And by "local China Town" I mean the Internet, cuz that's where nerds get their software. And hardware. And any "ware"'s for that matter, even the "be"wares.

This post is kinda lacking. Let's go on a slight tangent.

I, being in the category of semi-nerd, ran to my computer and quickly tried this out, only to give up and settle for much much less. Take a look at my fancy new blogroll.

"But Buttug, It's the same set of links".

OR IS IT? I'll wait while you go examine that. *humming along to Raul Midon's All In Your Mind*

Well, if you're lucky, it might be slightly altered. See, if a link has a "!!" appended to it, then it has been recently updated. So I no longer have to rigorously check every single link every single day. Not that I do. I mean, yes I do read everyone of your blogs everyday... please read mine.

I wonder how many posts in a row I can go that include a link to myself. Before I either forget, or my readership goes to negative 10 because of my utter bigheadedness.

**Recently Discovered, Xanga and LiveJournals do not let my dandy blogroll pick up "updates"...RATS**

posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:45 PM .