Monday, February 13, 2006
Today I'm Good At School
So I totally killed this test I had that's worth...
*takes out a magnifying glass*
*puts it away and takes out a electron microscope*
Take a look for yourself! In the corner of the f.o.v. (field of view, err at least I think that's the correct acronym, if not then its now my fav. acronym, seriously I'm gonna go listen to Jay-Z tracks now and everytime he says "hov" I'm gonna replace it with "fov"...and if you keep reading this post, I'll even tell you where I'm listening to these tracks!) That's how much it's worth! SUPER!
So I suck at school. Maybe I've been going about this all wrong. I know I'm supposed to sequence some sort of genome, maybe what I need to do is join this project.
Sequencing MUSIC to analyze rather well, give it a whirl.
Meanwhile, in honor of my mean-spiritedness, today, I have decided to hate on those stupid soft-drink vending machines that have those ridiculously tiny slots that the bottle drops into. And then you have to manouver the orientation of the bottle into the perfect position before you can "slide it out"? Darn you Coca-Cola for making me play your sick puzzle vending machine game. All the while I was dying of thirst, frustration and the fact that about 20 people behind me have come to realize that I was the idiot holding up the vending machine line for five minutes.