Friday, February 24, 2006
My Very Own Case Study
This is for You Mel, the one who insists on keeping this picture of "me" on the internet.
Situation Numero (I'm so cultured with my new-found ability to hablar* in Spanish) Uno - Buttug driving beside a cop car, nearing a traffic light which has already turned yellow. Cop car decides not to go through intersection. Buttug does, but faces the dilemma of either running a red, or increasing speed past the limit to make it through yellow.
Compound that to the fact Buttug decides to take his eyes off the road and hands off the steering wheel to flip a coin, with heads being SPEED UP and tails being RUN THE RED, and you have yourself one sour pickle of a problem.
Situation Numero = (thats two in Chinese!)** - At the CoachCanada ticket booth. Buttug calmly purchases a ticket, which comes with the receipt attached one of those fun "already creased and indented rip lines". Buttug holds the receipt end with one hand, and the actual ticket end with the other. Then he displays his great body musculature with a grandiose display of strength by ripping apart the two sides perfectly down the middle.
He then decides to check the ticket to make sure everything is in order when he reads "If receipt is detached, ticket is void".
*Am I becoming too much of a language snob if I start switching from English to Spanish in the MIDDLE of a sentence!? Hablar means "to speak" so that whole sentence up there doesn't actually make sense. Oh well, I'm a snob, I stick my nose up to not-making-sense.
**I'm out of control. Somebody stop me.
***I know there was no third star, but is it confusing that within one post, I refer to myself both in the first and third person? Cuz I was thoroughly confused trying to edit this post. But it may be the fact that I'm an utter idiot that is slowly my editting down. Let me know either way.
posted by Buttug McOysty
. 12:13 PM .