Thursday, February 16, 2006
Chocolate Danish
This post has nothing to do with a chocolate danish. I just like them very much.
Tensions are high in Iran. And not because America has suddenly gone on the offensive with the shootings of random people, oh wait that's just the VP, but because of an editorial cartoon released by Denmark.
But SERIOUSLY GUYS, it didn't hafta come this far. If you're gonna rename those fluffy sweet delicious pastries known as Danishes, wouldn't you may try for sth at least similar? Refer to how the American's changed French Fries to Freedom Fries (also works with French --> Freedom Toast). It's actually quite clever.
"Roses of the Prophet Mohammad". Now there's a mouthful. Imagine the poor people:
"Can I have arrows, sorry, a rose of da Mo....a shucks forget it"
Then they give up and go eat a cupcake.
Everybody, let's just leave the poor pastries out of this little dispute okay? I understand that there will be some rioting and some egging of European embassies, but we don't need to drag innocent pastries into this conflict. It doesn't have to be that way. Does it?