Tuesday, February 14, 2006
It'd Be Too Easy
Continuing this hate filled week. Now, I originally intended to go punch any couple I saw exchanging flowers or teddy bears or chocolates, in their loving faces, but I'm actually expecting something. From you. Yes, you, the reader. And my housemates. And plus, how predictable would it be for me to hate Valentines Day on Valentines Day?
SO instead, I'm gonna call out them powers to be that have given me three "tests" tomorrow, thus rendering me to be a library hermit for this wonderful day. And you can call me a conspiracy theorist, but somehow I have a feeling that these evaluations were called "tests" so I can't go complaining to other powers to be that I have three "MIDTERMS" on one day. Can you FEEL THE LOVE?
Apparantly, if you wanted to, you could go to a "cuddle party". Yeah, apparantly this fad has invaded Queen's cuz I'm sittin in tutorial readin about it in our campus newspaper. I think, sorry everybody, that I won't even "touch" (sorry) this topic.
Alright, let's keep it light-hearted (muhaha I'm on a roll today). Everyone else is trying to inject the love into this day. Blogger....do your best:

as opposed to:

*standing ovation with river-loads of tears flooding down my eyes*
Well done Blogger, you have truly inspired me to just be that much more loving today. I'm just so ... at a loss ... for words... to express what that slight but brilliant change in your logo has done for me, so I'm gonna cut this sarcastic filled last paragraph right about ... now.