Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Best Of Both Worlds  

Minus the R Kelly sex scandal. What happened to that guy anyways? Oh, he's trying to get an album done and released for 2006 or 2007. Titled, "MAKING BABIES". And here I thought he'd shy away from talking about sex. I guess me and my "Unfinished Business"* err Unfinished Education just aren't cut out to be in show-biz because personally, I would've suggested he go with an album title such as "Please Forgive Me" or "I've Really Changed For the Better" or "I Believe I Can Fly and Other Non-sexually suggestive songs".

He seriously needs new publicists/yes-men/parents. Talk about Stupefying Stupidity.

Did I just link to myself again?

Let me check. Oh I sure did. And you know what? I'd do it AGAIN.

Readership, let me ask you a question. Have you ever followed a music artist so obsessively that no matter what they released, you would always be the first amongst your friends to have said artist's new album? Where they could basically release an album of Sean Paul covers and you'd still be absolutely convinced that it would sound good? And you would adopt their philosophies and outlook on life, and have all their stickers/posters/life-sized cutouts?

And you feel slightly like a tool for eating out of their hands, no matter what they may be serving on any given day?

Like you were ... addicted?

Looking at the music album's I have amassed over the years, I can truthfully say that only two bands have ever had that tight of a hold on me. And I have since tuned out one of them completely, but because I am a bigger man (metaphorically and muscular-ly relative to two weeks ago), I won't name names.

But for metaphorical sakes, let's just say I switched-foots.

Uh, I mean feet.

The other group I followed religiously** I still pop into a CD player, and by that I mean I wheel-click over to on my Apple MP3 device from time to time when I'm tired of listening to Kanye West talk about how big of a star he is in every song he releases.

And in this following video, you not only get a taste of some of their music, but you also get some dynamic dancing, and while the dubbing is not beat-for-beat perfect, and this may not be the best sample of said group's musical abilities, it cheered me the heck up.

And somewhere, somehow, someone knew that I loved ridiculous dancing combined with good old fashioned Christian music. You just don't see enough of that at church, or none at all. That needs to be addressed.

Without further ado, and I do make much ado about a lot of things, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, David Crowder ft. Napoleon Dynamite!


Of course, I bring up the rather-general topic of music up because I have a difficult dilemma facing me. In a pickled problem, if you will, or if you won't, then a questionable quandary. I have recently been made aware of a half-album David Crowder Band has put out, B Collision, where they released about 7 songs performed differently. And while I am very curious as to how the album sounds, I do not think it'll be worthy my ten dollars. Yet my overwhelming loyalty to them dictates that I do not give this any more thought and purchase that album online right now.

Should I? Or shan't I?

Check on it, Beyonce. Once again back is the incredible...asterisk. Because you really don't know what you got til' it's gone.***

* I don't think anyone will get that.
** Haha I'm hilarious.
*** Kanye rhymes that line with "I know I got it, I don't know what y'all on". Seriously, his ego is laced in EVERY SONG its plain ridiculous.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:48 PM .