Sunday, September 24, 2006

I Feel Like I'm 13 Going On 45  

Urban Quest 2006 re-run. Yes I paid $40 to qualify for another day of running around downtown Toronto, moving from station to station completing random tasks that were vaguely mentioned in the clues provided. And moving to station is no easy task, especially if you have to retrace your steps because of an oversight.

There were a few differences between the way my team decided to run this race as opposed to the last one we ran back in July. We made one big mistake both times, but this one was made right at the beginning so we attempted to hustle by running whenever we had the chance (last time we leisurely strolled through the course and didn't end up finishing in time). This time, both my knees gave out 2 hours into the 5 hour race. As such, not only was I a hindrance to the entire team, I was a severe disappointment to myself.

Being the prideful guy I am, I refused to give up or even complain. I bit down on that t-shirt, and when I needed to run, I ran. And I'm paying for it today, and will probably pay for it for a while to come.

But $40. The principle itself would not allow me to quit.

And when I say I'm a prideful kinda guy, it's not the outwardly arrogant guy-you-love-to-hate persona I portray daily on this blog.

Buttug McOysty. Because I'm aawesome and I have added the word "aawesome" to my Firefox spell-check dictionary as if it were an actual word that could describe me without being underlined by a red squiggly. And I sure did break in the middle of a thought to link to myself.

It's not a competitive spirit, and it's not a sit-back and admire what I have done. I'm talking more of a deep down, don't want to let anyone else down, thing that must've been passed down in my DNA because I'M CHINESE. And that's how we roll.

Optimistically speaking, I have now been given a very convenient excuse to not exercise, to veg in front of the TV, or to nap, for an extended period of time.

And as such, I must plug one of the best shows on television today, NBC's The Office.
A comedic masterpiece that is telling the most compelling love story on television since who knows when, that reached a mini-boiling point right at the end of last season. Here, watch for yourselves if you have no idea what I'm talking about, and even if you do, watch again because this almost brought tears to my eyes (I bent my knee the wrong way just now...not because I'm sappy):

Now you must go watch every Thursday night, and if you don't root for Jim, you may just be the type of person that would also strangle a puppy.

I'm a modern day TV evangelist, minus the Benny Hinn, persuading people to watch what I watch, and I promise from now on, any show plugging will be done subliTHEOFFICEminally.

Happy birthday to the girl with the best laugh in the world. She doesn't read this blog, but I shout her out because it probably makes all of the people that DO read my blog and DO NOT receive any birthday shoutouts that much angrier. And that just tickles me like Elmo.

I love you all, please continue to read me, please?

posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:20 PM .