Friday, November 10, 2006

Taking You To School, On A Friday?  

I, Buttug McOysty, do solemly swear to educate, cultivate, enlighten-ate and indoctrinate my readership as I see fit.

The dotted lines are back.


So learn away folks. But before you do, not that I'd ever want to impede your right to learn by taking up valuable time with this soon-to-be run-on sentence, as tempting as it may be to look for Waldo during the playing of the clip, I can assure you he's not there. I realized this after my third time through it.


The only thing that would increase the irony of this story is if the unknown metal is iron itself.

Would I be so lazy as to link to an article, then abruptly move on with no discussion of aforelinkedto article?


Sorry Kanye, but it seems that Harvard has shown that babies are born as Gold-diggers.

Would I be so bold as to not discuss two linked articles in the same post?


Guns don't kill people. People don't kill people. RUBBER BANDS kill people. And the most amusing fact is that the weapon is sold out. Enough nerds, like me, have found this site and have decided for themselves that their lives would be incomplete without this gun. Although, the sell job is top notch:

"This beauty is a fully funcitonal machine gun with TWELVE rotating barrels and a live action trigger."

Christmas is right around the corner, for any of you making "Things To Get Buttug McOysty For Christmas". I'm looking at you...



That dotted line was a premature, because I think certain Barbadosians could've used said weapon. Aren't snails the slowest creatures on the face of this earth? How does an entire country get attacked by snails. That's just sad. If ravenous monkeys suddenly sprung up on a village, I would understand, but SNAILS.


The United States political landscape has taken a sudden swing to the left, to the left (everything you own in a box to the left). Yup. Just in case anyone was hiding under a rock, or was searching my post for a musical reference.


After ranting about my fantasy hockey teams, it seems that certain members of my fantasy basketball team have come down with the undocumented disease only known as turnover-itis (DWIGHT UGLY HOWARD), said to be caused by brain cramps and lapses in judgment.


That's all, see you next week, I'll be sure to not mention how my hair embarrassed me in front of the entire English congregation of my church.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:40 PM .