Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm Posting Again  

So today I wrote the exam in an "exam hall" complete with a "proctor" and "plenty of people around me". I finished in "40 minutes". "I'm glad it's over".

exam hall - an apartment unit somewhere in Etobicoke, way up on the 12th floor
proctor - old lady owner of the apartment unit
plenty of people around me - her creepy family portraits and pictures
40 minutes - 30 minutes, plus the extra 10 it took to find the darnded apartment, buzz in, and go up twelve floors
I'm glad it's over - I can't believe I paid a couple hundred dollars in course fees and they couldn't even rent a nice quiet elementary/high-school/church gymnasium. Ridiculous.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:14 PM .