Friday, July 27, 2007

Look Over There!  

Nicole Richie was sentenced to jail today. Brit Brit had a recent photo shoot poo-poo'd all over. Lindsay Lohan is still crazy.

That's life in 2007.

The best part about the seemingly never-ending stream of celebrity stories flooding the online airwaves, not only are they barely note-worthy, they serve to distract the majority of the general public from ongoing issues, such as a potential presidential impeachment down south of the border.

How many of you have heard of Lewis "Scooter" Libby, or Alberto "You're Fired!" Gonzales?

Point proven. Although, I probably didn't help my case by linking to the useless celebrity stories.

*Sidenote* - If the president is impeached, does the vice president automatically step up and succeed the throne (or is it succeed TO the throne?), so to speak? Because in this case, I'd argue we'd have an even bigger problem on our hands, as the vice president is already running the show, if you didn't know. Can we impeach both?! Is it divine intervention that I'm eating peach yogurt as I type this? *End Sitenote*

The government used to raise terrorism threat levels up a color to sidestep real issues. I guess people finally caught on and started calling their bluffs, so now, the government must be resorting to leaking Hollywood gossip.


Now, I like American politics and there just seems to be a lot more going on down there than there is up here, but I must reaffirm that I am Canadian. Excuse me a second.


O Canada, my home and native land...

Hmph. You came clicking down here expecting some more didn't you! Or at least expecting the rest of the Canadian National Anthem to be posted up.

But it's Friday. I'm calling it quits early on the blogging business. I got a fantasy football draft starting in five minutes. Why fantasy football you ask? BECAUSE I HAD FREAKIN' CHASE UTLEY ON MY FANTASY BASEBALL TEAM. THERE IS NO REPLACING FIRST ROUND TALENT AT SUCH A SCARCE POSITION.

Nobody cares.

Except me.

Myself and I.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 6:23 PM .