Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I Just Can't Catch A Break
Althought I must say I'm quite adept at catching just about anything else. It's as if my hands came out as baseball gloves that's how good I am. Don't even bother asking me if I catch your drift because I am so far ahead of your drift that even those Initial D fellows would be jealous.
Did you like how I jumped from point A to point T without showing my steps? No? Didn't think so. Let me draw it all out for you.
Actually no I won't. Proofs are exhausting and so long-winded. Let's forgo that and pretend I did.
Actual Post
Some people win the lottery. Others may not have finished an important project only to find out the deadline had been extended. Other others would bet on a big underdog in a sporting event, and end up scoring big when the players on the other team suddenly are involved in a freak accident, such as three fans with their bodies painted blue pounding so hard on the arena glass that it falls over and crushes the players. I love pro-line commercials.
So this lucky gal is in a category by herself. And they say, she's so lucky, she's a star.* All I get when I'm in the shower gargling water is the taste of ... well something not good, I can't quite put my finger on it.**
Now I'm not an alcoholic. I'm not even an anonymous alcoholic. But wouldn't that be pretty cool? AA*** the AA (r**) - this is blowing my mind. Maybe I'll become an alcoholic just so I can go around introducing myself as the AA ... r**.
But think about the endless possibilities this story presents. Overlooking the fact that yes you can get piss drunk off the endless supply of beer, this actually has potential to be one of the greatest money making schemes in the entire universe. You see, it's simple. You find empty bottles, and you start peddling them on the streets. Cuz I'm so street. And genious.
Unfortunately, this will never happen to me. Because I just never get lucky enough to stumble across a great money-making scheme. I must sadly settle for reading about them on worldwidewebosphere.
Post Post Comments
*I did just go all Britney Spears on you.
**Kingston water tastes like crap. When I say I can't put a finger on it, it's because I've decided not to think about it, thus enabling me to open my mouth during showers.